🦋 ᶠⁱʳˢᵗ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ 🦋

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Warning : Contains implicit mentions of sexual intercourse and contextual words, related to the aforementioned.   


Taehyung woke up, feeling the sun brightly shining on his face. Another thing that also bothered him was the absence of his little one in his arm.

He ruffled his hair and groaned when he felt a strong pain in his head. "Don't get up. Take these"

Taehyung's head snapped back to the owner of the tiny voice, who was extending a pain-killer to him.
Looking at Koo, memories of yesterday night flashed back into his mind.

"I am sorry Koo-", he stood up, trying to hug the little one. "It's okay Taetae. I understand that you didn't drink on your own", Koo smiled at his boyfriend, seeing the elder gulp down one pain killer.

"N-not for that", Taehyung mumbled, looking down.
"Then for what ?", Koo tilted his head in confusion, his lips automatically curving into a pout.

"F-for groping your ass without your permission", Taehyung closed his eyes in embarrassment, when he heard the little one cough vigorously.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Koo decided to break it, "Br-breakfast is ready. You're already late for your office"

Koo fiddled with his shirt, biting his inner cheeks.

"C-come downstairs. You need to get ready too", a small, tomato Koo managed to squeak out.

Taehyung cooed internally at the tiny voice. "It's okay. I was thinking of dumping it today, anyways"

Koo's head perked up, but he quickly changed his expression, not wanting Taehyung to catch any wrong message. It's not like he wasn't ready for the next step in their relationship. He trusted Taehyung with his whole heart, and he knows that Taehyung does that too.

"Otay", Koo mumbled in his tiny voice, waddling towards the door.


Taehyung got down, smiling brightly.

He ran towards Koo, and back hugged him, startling the little male in process.

"You scawed me!", Koo pouted, smacking his boyfriend's arm.
Taehyung said nothing and just kept on hugging him.

"Koo", Taehyung mumbled against Koo's neck, sending shivers through the younger's spine.
He hummed softly, placing the bread and butter on the plates.

"I want to talk about what i did last night", Taehyung's voice came too serious to not scare Koo.
"Wh-what do you want to talk about ?", Koo squeaked out anxiously, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. He wasn't scared of doing 'it'. He was just anxious.

"I know you were uncomfortable when I touched you yesterday. But trust me, I did not mean to-", Taehyung was quickly cut off by his boyfriend's tiny voice.
"I wasn't uncomfortable. Why would I be uncomfortable ? And plus, we are in a relationship for about five years. And I've thought about it for a while too", Koo looked up at Taehyung with his wide doe eyes filled with sparkling anxiety.

"What have you thought baby ?", Taehyung rested his hand on Koo's cheeks, caressing them softly.
"I'm ready", Koo nodded tinily.

Taehyung widened his eyes and said, "Angel, are you sure about it ? You don't have to pressurise yourself. We're absolutely fine like this. We don't need to necessarily have sex-"

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