Chapter 21: Final Exam and Megalovania

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A/n: Hey guys !! How are you ?! Good ? Anyway let's start the chapters !! Again I will time skip some stuff and summarize things cause I suck at fighting scene !! so Onward !!


No One's POV

Izumi and Katsumi sweatdrop seeing that both of them are fighting All Might, the others sweat drop also seeing that they're fighting one of the teachers that they are assign too. Himiko looks excited and jump on Y/n's shoulders and and hug his head, Y/n growl at this and shouts to get off him but she just stick her tongue out.

Y/n: Get the fuck off me !!

Himiko: Nope ~!! hehehehe

Aizawa: knock it off you two ..

Izumi and Katsumi look at each other Izumi looks in worry while Katsumi glares at her, All Might sweat a bit seeing this and look at the other teachers but kept her smile.


The staff were having a meeting and talking about Villains attactking the school and other stuff happen, Some talking about combats robot for the final exam but Aizawa think of a different plan for her students. Aizawa looks at Nezu and ask if he agrees on the plan, He nods and tell everyone that the students need to become stronger when facing danger and the others agree. Aizawa starts telling the staff about her students skills and personalities, Aizawa then look at All Might and told All Might that she is in charge of Midoriya and Bakugou.

Nezu: Now about the extra 2 students

Present Mic: Oh yeah !! Himiko Toga the former Villain and Y/n the Skeleton our strongest male student

Aizawa: Toga is a cheerful girl and childish sometimes, but she's unstable when she didn't drink blood from time to time

Nezu: Agree Young Toga seems to be skilled when it comes to knives

All Might: Her intellegence and technique are par but her speed is quick

Aizawa: Now for Skeleton that brat is a mystery, He maybe 18  and out of everyone in that class who are mostly 15 to 16 his the oldest but his mind seems to be higher than that

Nezu: I agree his intellegence is higher than Yaoyorozu or below mine or more higher

Present Mic: His reflex is really fast when it comes to someone attacking him

All Might: *nod* His skills of using his Quirk seems to be in master level

Nezu: but when it comes to personality he seems always tired and angry

Aizawa: I tried looking for the place where he was born or any record except the one that he graduate at Junior High the same school of Midoriya and Bakugou

Midnight: I did heard him say something about his home

Present Mic: didn't he used it as his hero name ?

Aizawa: UnderFell ... he said about a place where Violence and Killing is legal

Cementos: poor boy .. no wonder he has anger issues

Ectoplasm: it also seems the reason his tired because always finding a way to survive

Nezu: both of them will fight each other at their final exam either one leaves or one is down

All the staffs agree about Toga and Skeleton fighting each other at the final exam, And the rest of the conference talks about they're plans about the students that paired to them.

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