Chapter 29: The Truth and Scope Eyes?

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A/n: Hi guys !! Hows it going !? Anyway let's start the story again .. I will change my schedule on posting reason is my mind is jambled so i either write it or draw it .__. Anyway hope you enjoy the story


**Earlier before class**

No One's POV

It was morning everyone at the dorm is having breakfast and having conversation except Katsumi who eats her food with an angry look, Y/n walk in holding a sleeping Eri on his arm and Himiko who was already in school uniform.

Momo: Good morning you two

Himiko: Good Morning ~!

Y/n: yeah morning

Kyoka: you look serious

Y/n: yeah, remember what I fucking said last night ?

This caught the attention of everyone even Ragdoll/Tomoko who happen to be eating on the couch, Himiko took Eri on Y/n's arm and went to get some food at the kitchen. Y/n look at all of them with a serious look and place his hands on his hoodie pockets, He scratch his head for a second and look away.

Y/n: I have a question for all of you ... Ever feel like when you saw me you felt like your having a de ja vu ?

Izumi: I- ... *realize something* Yes

Momo: yes ... When I first look at you it felt familiar

Kyoka: same here

The rest nods in agreement especially Kyoka and Some of the girls who is close to him, Himiko kept listening since she knows what will he say.

Y/n: what if I ever tell you all that we already met a long time ago but in a different timeline

Momo: timeline ?

Y/n: let me tell you something ... This ... This isn't the first timeline you met me honestly this is the second

Kyoka: what ?

Ochako: why ?

Y/n: blame fucking four eyes there

Y/n points at Iida who looks surprise at him and confused of why he point at her, the rest look at Iida then back to Y/n who his eye twitch and slap his own forehead.

Y/n: that fucking four eyes is the reason that I reset the timeline because of her sister have almost been killed by stain

Tenri: What ?! That never happen !!

Y/n: Oh it did like I said the first timeline Stain successfully attack your sister and you wanted revenge but I made a deal for your sister to be at her full health you'll not get revenge which you accept

Tenri: I see ... But what happen if I did accept the deal ?

Y/n: Fucking simple really you being a hero try to save the pro hero that almost killed by Stain, then the attack of Nomus came that's why Izumi knows where you are I teleported after I got a text from her while I was on patrol

Eijira: whos agency you where taking internship that time ?

Y/n: Mirko and Ryukyu I think ?

Kyoka: ........ Your kidding right ?

Y/n: the fuck would I joke about it ?

Izumi: wait ... That means not only the Nomus attack but Stain was at Hosu ?!

Y/n: Yep, I could have killed her but she got me by surprised and Cat I swear I can fucking see in your face that you look after I said her name

Himiko: You know I'm a big fan of her Edgy ~!

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