Chapter 17

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Jordan's  POV

******** FLASHBACK********

Today was the first day of my business college class.  A  young teacher, Michael Coldwell walked in. I could not believe he was almost as young as the rest of us. 

"I will be the substitute for this semester until the real  professor can come back, family emergency"

He was good at teaching the material and engaged with his students. He had a particular interest in me and wanted to show me all the tricks into passing this course.

I didn't want the easy route so I declined his offer. 

"Jordan, please can you stay after class? I need to speak to you" He said to me one day.

 " You have quite a brilliant mind, you are my favorite student, did I ever tell you that? " Michael said while walking toward me. 

"I like to think of you as more than that, I can put in a good word  to help you pass this class if you can do me this one favor"

"no, thank you, sir. I'll study like everyone else" I said to him 

"But you don't know what the favor is yet,"   Michael started to approach closer to me until my back was touching the classroom board. 

He started to touch my inner thighs and moved his hands closer to my waist. 

"You are very sexy, I dream about doing so much to you" He breathed and licked his lips.

He started to unbuckle his belt and my fight or flight kicked in. 


"Please Anybody" I cried out.

The cleaning guy walked in, I kneed him and burst out the door.

 I left the classroom and went home. 

I was crying for days and only communicate to Gisele because she didn't stop trying.

Once she found out, she promised me she wasn't going to do anything crazy but Michael was fired and was never seen again. 

******End Of Flashback********

I found myself scared of him. Knowing what he is capable of.

"Where are we going ?" I asked while placing the key in the ignition.

I turn on my installed tracker and secretly pressed record on the gadget, the watch and my phone which automatically start recording as well.

He gave me the location and I started driving us to the destination. 

He got on the phone with someone and only asked one thing,

 "Is everything ready ?" then he hung up. 

My phone started to ring and the caller ID showed Gisele's name.

"Did you know she was the one that got me fired after she slapped me. She is bold this one,  I give her that " He said. 

I knew it, Gisele would have never set me up on a date with him if she knew. 

" But she is also really stupid, it was so easy to get her to confide in me. You see,  she is so keen on getting you a man, that was a perfect strategy.  I didn't have to work that hard" Michael said. 

"Give me your phone by the way, don't want nobody tracking us" He said while pointing the gun at me on the passenger seat. 

I gave him my phone which he threw out of the window and I stayed silent, internally hoping someone realize that I am gone. 

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