Chapter 27

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Jordan's POV

I sat in my office going over the company's progress with Christmas. She was giving me the stats on how we did for the year. She sat in front of me with her usual pen and paper. 

"We have hired about 200 staff throughout the year. We are doing well with all of our finances" She said and continue saying more boring stuff. 

My office door opened so suddenly.

"Heyyyy, I got my driver's license and a car from dad," Gaby said walking in my office. 

She waved her car keys at me, I stood up to hug and congratulates her. Gaby graduated from Collge with her Associate degree, she's ready to move on to adult things. I was very happy for her.  

Christmas excused herself and gave us the room. 

"I wanted to ask you something," I said to Gaby as she takes Christmas place in front of me.  

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I am. It actually has nothing to do with me" I said to her. I loved that she worries about me.  " I want you to take over the company in London. It has been shut down since my kidnapping. I want a good memory of that place, I know you can do that. Before you say, you don't know anything about the business I want to let you know that it doesn't have to be about the family business. It can be your first Fashion designer place. Do anything you want with the building, go wild." I said to her 


"In fact, I am"

"Thank You, Thank You"  she screamed as she comes around on my side.  "I knew you were my favorite sister," she said 

"I am your only sister," I said to her. 

She smiled and kissed my cheek multiple times. She stayed a few minutes before she left to share her excitement. 


 A few months ago, Jerome actually grew the gut to ask Gisele out. 

She said yes finally. It was a shocker to all of us, we didn't know she was just waiting on Jerome to make the first move. I felt like I didn't know my best friend at all, Jerome was no longer suffering in silence. They looked happy and I was happy for them. 

Today she asked James and I to have a casual double date with her after work.  

I drove to the restaurant, Jerome was standing outside. 

I parked my car, walked toward him. 

"Hey," I said approaching him.  He started to pace around with his hand in his pockets.

"Hi, I am so happy you the first to arrive,"  he said looking nervous. 

"Hold up there, what's going on? Why are we pacing? " I asked, there's nothing to be nervous about since he already got the girl so he won.  

" I am going to ask Gisele to marry me," He said with wide eyes like he's not the one that just surprised me. 


" No more waiting, I know she's the one for me. She's the one I been looking for, it's never right when she's dating someone else and vice versa. I want her to have my last name and more" Jerome said. 

"I am happy for you buddy, yeah sure. Anything you need. What you need my help with ?" I asked him after I hugged him. 

He explained to me the plan and showed me the ring for approval. I gave him the 'yes, she would like it' and he smiled reassured, we went inside where Gisele family was already sitting down scattered around the restaurant.   

I looped James on the plan via text so he can come early.  Gisele texted me apologizing for her tardiness, she asked if I was there already, and that she was on her way. 

James came first thankfully, then Gisele right after. Once she got to the restaurant, everyone knew what to do. The waiter was the first to see Gisele outside. 

Then the music started to play throughout the restaurant ;

'Caught my heart about one, two times 

Don't need to question the reason I'm yours, I'm yours 

I'd move the earth or lose a fight just to see you smile cause you got no flaws, no flaws 

I am not trying to be your part-time lover 

Sign me up for that full time I'm yours, I'm yours ' 

Jerome started to lip-sync to the song playing as he comes to meet her at the entrance ... 

'So what a man gotta do? 

What a man gotta do?

To be totally locked up by you

What a man gotta say?

What a man gotta pray?

To be your last goodnight and your first good day ' 

Everyone was laughing so was I, Jerome was on tables, screaming. He had an audience, people were cheering him on. 

'You ain't trynna be wasting time on stupid people 

In cheap lines I'm sure , I'm sure 

So I'd give a million dollars 

Just for you to grab me by my collar 

And I'll come build us, build us 

I'm not trying to be your part-time lover 

Sign me up for that full time I'm yours, I'm yours

'Ohh , ohh , ohh 

Ohh , ohh , ohh '

Jerome finishes and went down on one knee. 

" I always knew you were the one for me,  it was always been you. Now that I have you I don't want just a temporary love, I want forever and I want it with you.  Gisele Smith, Would you marry me?" He asked. 

James placed his hand around my waist as we wait for Gisele's answer. I was biting my nails looking at her, even if I already knew the answer. 

"YESSSSS," She said happily with tears in her eyes. She cupped his cheek and kissed him. 

We all cheered as we watch Jerome twirl her in happiness. 

Jerome placed the ring in her finger while she cried some more. 

I watch as she hugs her family in excitement. 

I was happy that my friends were finally happy and I wanted nothing more.   

When Gisele calmed down, we put all the tables together and created a  long table. James sat beside me and Gisele sat on the other side of me. 

"You knew about this ?" She whispered to me 

"Maybe" I answered her 

" You didn't give me no warning. I could've looked better"

"Who warns people about getting proposed? You look beautiful" I said to her 

"Thank You truly, For everything. I got a question to ask you, I value you and our friendship. We have been through a lot and I Would  like nothing more than for you be my maid of honor ?" She asked. 

"Thought you'll never ask," I said to her. 


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