Chapter 21

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Jordan's POV

Today was the first day of me coming back to work again. I am so glad that only my close friends and family knew what was going on.

"Welcome Back Ms.Parker," Christmas said with a smile on her face as the elevator opened.

"Hey Christmas," I said to her returning the smile while handing her a bouquet of flowers I got her for helping James.

"Oh thank you, these are beautiful," She said taking them from me.

" Once you take care of that, you can come to my office and give me the reports," I told her as she started smelling the flowers.

I walked into my office, noticing a card placed on my desk from James.

'Welcome Back, Have a great day babe' - written neatly on my desk.

I sat back in my chair, smiling at his small gesture, I pulled out my phone to send James a ' thank you' note.

As I scrolled through my phone, my family member and friends sent me a 'welcome back' text as well and I replied to all of them.

I placed my phone down on my desk, turning on my computer. It kind of felt like I never left. I opened my drawer to place my suitcase and the crumbled infamous letter showed itself. I grabbed it and placed it on my desk not knowing what to do with it.

I wanted to throw it away, discarding everything that Michael had over me but I couldn't bring myself to do so.

Nonetheless, I went into my emails trying to get some work done but noticed an email from the FBI Agent that helped rescue me.

FBI Agent Vincent :

I hope you are doing very well now Ms. Parker, I wanted to contact you in regard to the ongoing case. We have Michael Coldwell under our jurisdiction and his hearing is coming up. We would love for you to testify against him so we can put him away for good. We will take every precaution from you ever seeing him if you choose to come in. Please let me know anything my team and I can do for you. Have a great day.

- Thank You, for your cooperation.

I stared blankly at the screen not knowing how to reply to that email.

Slowly, I felt like my breath was getting stuck in my throat, I was gasping for air. I felt dizzy, the walls seemed like they were closing in, taking me back to the small basement that Michael had kept me isolated. I wanted to take all my clothes off.

"It's over,"

"You not down there anymore," I told myself, over and over again until I was able to regain my sight.

It's been three months, since the incident. I didn't understand why I was feeling like this now. Just when I wanted to have a hold of my life and finally moving on, I felt like I was taking multiple steps back.

I don't know how long I stayed in one position while staring at my computer until a knock was at the door.

I straightening my self out, placed the letter back in the drawer and put on a smiling front.

"come in," I called out clearing out my throat

"I was told by Mr.Parker everyone should have a thorough background-check twice upon hiring and another
in two weeks into the job, and we have the Paris job position open, do you have someone in mind to run the business over there ?" Christmas said as she walks in with her tablet in hand for notes.

"Thank You, Christmas, but not now,"

"I also wanted to know when did you want to officially put out a date for the Grand Announcement of your tech gadget"

"We can have it in a few months, send out invites to other companies as well as a Thank You gift basket to A.T.P (Adam Tools Productions) for their help "

"Got it. That's all for today. If you need anything, just let me know." Christmas said and exited my office.

Once she left, I didn't want to do anything, I sat in my office and turned my chair facing the window.

Another knock on the door, made me twirl facing the door since this morning.

"Come in" I called out.

James walked in with Lunch in his hand which I was grateful for since I wasn't in the mood to leave my office.

Lunchtime came around pretty fast.

"How was your day Babe? ," he said walking in.

He bent down, gave me a peck and a kiss  to my forehead. He placed my lunch in front of me as we talked a little bit before he was called back to his job.

I wanted to do some work but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I turned off my computer and head toward the door.

"Leaving early Christmas," I said walking past her office.

She waved her hand at me and told me to 'have a good day'. I got in my car and drove to my house.

Once I walked into my house, I started to  undressed myself, as I am doing so I caught a glimpse of my naked body in the mirror. I was still in my undergarments but I can see the visible uneven scars on my body.

I haven't had the courage to look at myself. After every shower, I always hurry to cover myself up or rush to wear my clothes. I was afraid and scared to see them. How will James feel about them once he sees them? All of me ?

I stared at the knife scar lines going down my inner tights to my knees, just straight lines. I grew the gut to touch the scar tissue.

A tear fell down my face as I continue to look at my body in the mirror.

I then touched my arm that had the cast and burst out a cry while rush to put my hand over my mouth, muffling my cry trying not to be loud.

"Why ME? YOU JERK! " I cried angrily to the emptiness of my room.

"Why did you had to ruin my life ?"

"What was so special about me ?"

I crawled on my bed, wetting my pillow with my own tears, until I was able to close my eyes embracing the darkness as it swallow me.

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