Chapter 16

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Jordan's POV

It's been months and the company is still running smoothly. I am almost ready to launch my device publicly. I wanted to be the first one to put it to test for weeks. All files that are recorded are sent to your phone.  

I sat in my office with papers in my hand, double-checking what's written on the piece of paper.

A lawyer sat across from me, waiting on my approval of the Terms and Conditions for my device. 

I finished reading it over, and give him a nod indicating I agree with what's written. I signed at the bottom of the paper, so does he. He placed the papers on a folder and gets up.

"You're all set. You can now place the device on the market. I will print you a customer copy and send it to you and also will be emailing you a digital form. Anything else that you'll need, I am just a phone call away" the lawyer said and shook my hand.

"Thank you so much for your service," I said shaking his hand and walked him out.

I got back to my office and sat down on my chair.

"I am really about to do this,"  I said to myself with a scared smile. 

Nobody knows that I am working on this project, not even my dad. I want to wait until everything was finalized before I told anyone close to me. There was a knock on my door and I let the person in.

James was standing at the door with food in his hand.

"Figure we'll have lunch inside, what do you think?"

I nod him my answer, and he sat across from me and started unpacking. He gave me my lunch and drink and placed his food in front of him. 

Just as I was about to take another bite, he started to talk.

" You're quiet today ..." He said.

"My grandma taught me that you have to close your mouth when you are eating"  I tease.

"Very funny, what's happening? You know you can talk to me, right? Look, I know I am not Gisele or Jerome but these past few months you took in a lot. You worked very hard every day on this project. You should be celebrating " James said

"yup, sounds like me. I am excited but scared about this project. I was thinking about what If I mess this up? What if I disappoint my dad with a stupid technology project? This is real life, we not in college anymore "

"hey hey, stop worrying. Your technology is not stupid. Everything will be great. You'll see and I am always right here if you need a little push"

"Thank You" I said.

"Anytime," He said and gave a reassuring smile.

Gisele and Jerome walked in on us. Speaking of the devils.

"I am starting to think that I need security at my door, and a different type of lock or something cause this shIt getting too easy," I said looking at them.

"Well, well,  well what do you know? They are having a party without us and want to talk about security" Gisele said.

"Excuse us, Hey Jordan," Jerome said then he said something to James and they clapped each other up in the corner of my eyes. These two are getting close.

"You have been ditching us Jordan," Gisele said getting back my attention on her while she sits on my desk with crossed arms and legs.

"I have a company to run Gisele, I can not party anymore like we use to. I  have no  social life"

"While we on the social life topic, I've signed you up for a blind date," Gisele said. 

"Gisele I thought that I told you no," I said looking at her with a blank stare. 

"No no, you always do this. It's good for you, you need a little something something in your life"

"This is the last time okay. I'll go so you can stop bothering me"

"Okay, okay,  It's after work," she said calmly.

"You are not serious"

She blew me a kiss, threw up the peace sign and left my office. Unbelievable. 


I fix myself up a little before going to this stupid blind date Gisele set me up with.

My phone pinged and Gisele name pop on my phone.

Mrs.Sassy : I sent you the location to meet him. It's a nice restaurant that I picked. And his name is Dave.

Me I still can't believe you

Mrs.Sassy :  Text me how it goes.

I got in my car and used my new device to get there.

Once I was there. I turn off my car and got out.

"Reservation for Dave ?" I asked the host standing at the podium.

"He is already here, so I'll just bring you to him"

"Thank you"

The host starts walking toward this Dave and his back was facing us.  He was wearing a nice black suit and his hair looked freshly cut.

"This will be your table for tonight, have a good night Miss," the host said and left us.

The man at the table gets up to extend his hand out to me. 

I go to shake his hand but stop in my track as I see who it is.

At that moment everything seems to go silent and in slow motion like the movies. 

My breath caught in my throat.  He smiled at me once he sees the look on my face.

There stand in front of me is not Dave but him,  Michael Coldwell. The one person I've been avoiding my whole life.  

He lied to Gisele. 

I blink twice to regain myself. I was ready to leave but he quickly grabbed my elbow and pulled me closer to him. I can feel the loaded firearm he always carries.  

"You take one more step, you will regret it," He said. 

"I have nothing to say to you," I said to him.

" Let's go somewhere more privately, you drive," He said sternly. He kissed my cheek and released my elbow.


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