Chapter 12

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Jordan's POV

I didn't know what I was going to wear to the charity ball tonight so I called Gisele and Jerome and told them to meet me at my house because I needed their help. 

" I will see you in a few," Gisele said ending our three-way call.

I hung up and got out of my car and opened my house door. I went upstairs to take a bath and waited for my friends. 

The doorbell then rung and Arielle answer it.

"Hi Jordan, Why you suddenly want to go out all of a sudden on a Friday? Is it a date? Wait. You invited us so it's not a date -" she continues.

"Slow down. Hello to you too. My day was wonderful, thank you for asking." I said shushing her 

"Wait. You guys going out? I am coming." Gabby said.

"Stop it, everyone. I am going out, just me.  okay maybe with James. We attending the Charity ball." I said.

"ohhh... James " Gabby said poking my side.

"so it is a date, Woot Woot," Gisele said smirking at me.

"It's a work thing actually" I sighed sitting down at the edge of my bed.

"It's always a work thing with you Jordan. Have fun tonight and stop thinking about work"  Gisele said racking my closet. "Found it."

"I am not wearing that." I cried out. " How did you even have this here? " 

"What ? It's elegant."


"Stop being a baby."

" I have to keep it professional "

"This is professional to the Charity ball Jordan"

Gisele lay the outfit on my bed and walked to the sofa which had her makeup bag.


"Makeup " I said with Wide eyes.

"yes, people wear those and It will not hurt you," Gisele said.

This is like playing dress-up online but the difference is she playing It on me.

"Where you find that dress anyway ?" I asked again.

"I keep it here. Just in case." Gisele said with a smirk on her face. 

I wore the dress and looked in the mirror. I am not going to lie, I look good. I turned around and my butt look so big in it , it had a slit on one leg that reached my thigh.

"I feel so naked," I said

"It shouldn't matter since you were born that way." She said then laugh at her own joke.

When she was done she glanced at me.

"Sorry, I think it was funny. Light up. Okay okay. Makeup"

"Not too much."

She applied this foundation then some powder. A little eye shadow, eyeliner, she retraced my eyebrows and she adds lip-gloss. She did amazing.

 I did my hair. I just did curls and let them drop. While getting my heels. The doorbell rang. 

"He is here," Jerome said walking in my room.

"So how do I look?" I asked.

"Hot. You will get laid tonight honey" Gisele waving the makeup brush around.

"Amazing" Jerome said. 

"Thank you"

I grab my mini purse for my phone, wallet, and keys. Jerome and Gisele left my room and I start to get down the stairs.

Gisele, Jerome, Gabby, and James all turned around to look at me in aw. 

"Ready ?" I asked everyone.

"You look beautiful," James said walking toward me to take my hand. 

and I blushed. 

I freaking blushed. 

He drove us to the Charity ball, opening all types of doors that night and made no sarcastic remark. 

We reached the ball and people were already approaching me. Many companies wanted to collab with mine, some complimented me for doing a lot of amazing things in the company. 

James and I had fun, we drank champagne and danced until my feet were starting to hurt.

"We should go, I think we made enough appearance," I said to him.

He agreed and walked me to the car.


"I had fun, thank you for coming tonight. "

"It was an honor." He said 

and got closer.

" What are you doing ?" 

"You did look really stunning tonight," he said ignoring my question 

James wrapped his arms around my waist brought me closer to his body. I can smell the champagne on his breath, and see his beautiful eyes more clearly. 

He smiled or smirked.  I don't know because everything then happened all so fast. 

He kissed me.

"You have a goodnight Jordan," He said and left.

I watched him leave, still speechless. I touch my lips and opened my house door.

I walked into my room and that's when it finally hit me.

James just kissed me. 


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