Chapter 23 - Hockey Game

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The twins couldn’t even get out of the driveway to go to meet the bus to ride to the game. It’s an away one. I would be on the bus with them and the rest of my dance team—however, Marc and Gabe, my body guards would never fit (it’s always over-crowded) so they told my coaches that I would be driven there. Then, they told me (obviously) that they would have to stay with me.

They’re only happy because they love hockey.

So, I arrive in the living room right on time—dressed in my dance uniform with the warm-up over it and my one-shoulder bag strapped across me. I slide into my white dance shoes as mom pecks me on the cheek.

“We might be there later, sweetie,” she assures me. “Dad has to meet with the contractors and security advisors first.”

I nod and fix my high ponytail. She fiddles with the navy and gold bow in my hair, like always. Once a picky dance mom, always a picky dance mom.

“Alright, time to head out into hell!” Gabe shouts. I laugh and take that as my cue to leave. After almost being blinded my camera flashes (it’s six o’ clock but keep in mind it’s already dark out because it’s winter) we make it into the car and are on our way. It’s mostly silent—as always—so I occupy myself by texting Ben and Ash. She’s wondering where I am and telling me everything that’s going on in the bus. Ben is busy telling me how much he misses me—and how his roommates say that I’m hot… (awkward).

OMG Aaron just started an entire conversation about you! Ash texts me, complete with a winky face emoji at the end.

I roll my eyes. Really? And what would be the nature of this conversation?

Well, he mentioned you by asking the twins where you were and when your brothers said you were going to be there but couldn’t take the bus he was like oooh and is her lover boy coming, too? So, they were like no, so and then Ralphie started going off about how hot you are… I was like awks… and your bros were like, dude she’s LITERALLY taken bahahaha.

Taking it all in first, I then reply, Oh dear lord almighty. So, what can I expect once I get there? Oh god you didn’t tell Mel or Sami that you and Ave already knew, right?

No, I acted just as shocked ;) you’re welcome, sweet cheeks. And, I would expect some sort of hysteria. After all, it’s an away game so everyone there is going to be like OMG THAT’S THE HIGH SCHOOL THAT PRINCESS GOES TO HOLY SHIT. Hahaha.

I can’t help but laugh. I answer back, Thanks lovely ;) you’re a doll

No prob ;) and sweetie, EVERYONE is our hockey team’s enemy remember? We’re the best in the state! But, when people hear that a Princess is in the building they tend to get a little starstruck… right?

I guess, I shrug to myself like an idiot.

               @HRHPrincessAnna: Feels good to be back to my (somewhat) normal routine :) can’t wait to get back to cheering on the team with my girls! #ECVH #LetsGoBoys!

The conversation continues until I reach the rink. Gabe parks in the back with the hockey parents and dance parents. We exit to relative quiet, but half-way across the parking lot I hear footsteps on the grass on the side of the building… suddenly, dozens of reporters are swarming us and we have to literally sprint to the door.

Once safely inside though… it’s not much different. The hockey coach—well, one of the five—spots me and starts a conversation which Gabe quickly helps me escape from. I can see the girls on the opposite side of the rink, staking their claim on a set of bleachers. However, to get to them I have to walk through the entire crowd of hockey players outside the visiting team’s locker room.

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