Chapter 18 - Hey, I'm On TV

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“Anna! Anna! Come here, quick! It’s starting!” My mother frantically calls out for me from the room we’ve chosen to watch the news in. It’s right near the kitchen—perfect for the boys.

I rush in and jump onto the couch next to her and dad. Victor is lounging in a chair—on his tablet (I know, I was shocked he even knew how to use one). Ben is in the chair he pulled up next to the couch. The twins are sprawled out on the loveseat and Adrian has taken to the arm of the couch. Even Victor’s team of advisors have taken time out of their busy schedules to watch my broadcast—and the news reports soon to follow it.

Something flashes onto the screen and a news anchor introduces herself. But then she says she has a special service announcement. I can’t believe this is going to be broadcasted throughout Chirnova and Vladesvya.

“All the stations are off and tuned into it now,” one of the advisors says. He studies his netbook before saying, “And… here we go…”

Victor appears on the screen first, telling the population the situation at hand—everything from the part where I hid in America for seventeen years to the part where my uncle killed my parents. But, he handles it just the way I imagined—like a true king.

Then, I appear on the screen. My heart is going a thousand miles an hour. I don’t even hear my voice. My brain is fixated on how I look. I’ve never seen myself so… pretty. I mean, I didn’t think I had the capability to be that pretty.

My hair has the fresh highlights and low lights that Bryant put in last night. It’s wavy and glossy and perfect—something I could never achieve back at home. My famous (according to Wikipedia) cornflower blue eyes sparkle thanks to the makeup courtesy of Val. They look so big and beautiful—not like how I look on every normal day at all. And I’m sitting up so tall and straight. My skin looks flawless and dewy. I even manage to smile.

By the end of the announcement everyone is clapping. I’m just getting out of my daze. The voices come alive again. My head doesn’t feel like it’s being held underwater anymore.

They flash back to the woman anchor. This time she’s with a man. They’re both sitting at the desk. But… they don’t say anything. It’s like their teleprompter must say: TOO SHOCKED FOR WORDS or something. So, they sit there until they try to compose themselves.

“Ah, people it looks like what we just saw is…” The man starts but can’t finish his sentence.

The woman intervenes. “The information we’re being fed right now is that the Princess has been hiding out in America for years and the King of Vladesvya had been safeguarding her there to protect her from her uncle—who is being charge with the double homicide of King Stefan and Queen Evangelina.”

They basically just summed up that service announcement courtesy of Victor.

“That’s right, the Crown Princess of Chirnova; Anna-Maria Evangelina Catalina is not dead. She is very much alive and well…”

“But the questions we’re receiving via Twitter are related to the engagement between the Princess and Crown Prince Benjamin of Vladesvya. Is it still upheld? I guess we’ll be finding out sooner or later. The people want answers, and I am sure that our King will deliver, as he always does.”

Victor sighs, “Yes, yes, I suppose I will.”

“You didn’t say anything about the engagement?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “I figured it would be too much for everyone to handle.”

Everyone flat-out laughs at that. Those newscasters weren’t even the worst. There are probably people that are fainting right now.

Ben whispers, “By the way, he talks back to the TV a lot… can’t you tell?”

I nod, “And his phone.”

“And his tablet,” Ben adds.

“I can hear you, Benjamin,” Victor mumbles.

We share an innocent smile and get back to focusing on the news—which is focused more on me now.

“I think it would be best for you to change your Twitter name now, Ann,” Victor says. He’s getting very used to that nickname, isn’t he?

I nod and go on my iPhone. I ask, “What am I changing it to?”

Ben takes my phone without a word and types something. He hands it back to me. The changes are already saved. I make a face at him before looking at the new username.


“Hm,” my lips quirk up a little, “I think I like it.”

I look up at him. His smile makes me melt. “I think I love it.”

@HRHPrincessAnna: All credit for my new username goes to @HRHPrinceBen :)

Thank you for readingggg!!! <333

Sidebar picture is of  map I photoshopped. I cut off part of Poland and some of Lithuania to make way for Vladesvya and Chirnova lol whoops

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