Chapter 29 - Going Solo

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Look, guys! I learned photoshop! (somewhat) lol. To the right is a picture of Ben and Anna :)

“So you’re telling me that I’m supposed to go to the bombing sites in Vladesvya, too?” I ask Chuck as we sit in the backseat of the heavily armored car built specifically to drive me and him around (the royal protection agents call it ‘the tank’).

He nods, not even lifting his eyes from his Blackberry. “Yes, and Victor and Benjamin might take a trip over here to see our hardest hit areas. Their people want to see you there with him.”

“Once again,” I reiterate the question I’ve been asking ever since this whole situation started. “I thought they all hated the idea of us getting married?”

Obviously, this would be the logical way of thinking. After all, Chirnova becoming a commonwealth of Vladesvya would mean they would relinquish all political power to Victor and his parliament. We won’t lose our name, flag or traditions. We’ll be like Northern Ireland, you know? It’s just that I thought most people wouldn’t like that idea, especially the Vladesvyans. I thought they wouldn’t want to share their good fortune and wealth with us—the country that’s piled in debt.

“Your Highness,” he sighs, “Do you realize what this marriage really means?”

I mumble, “It’s a political move.”

“No,” he responds, prompting a strange look from me. He never even so much as glances from his phone as he explains, “This marriage might have started out as a political move—and a good one at that—but now… now it is strictly a matter of unity.”

“Unity?” I repeat, raising a skeptical eyebrow. He’s getting somewhere, I just can’t tell where yet.

“Yes. Unity between two countries that have long been enemies; rivals. The marriage between a Prince of Vladesvya and Princess of Chirnova would have been a taboo idea back in your parents’ days but now… it’s almost imperative that this goes as planned; perfectly. This will signify the two countries coming into the modern world and forgetting the past.”

He finally looks up at me, reading my face (which I’m trying hard to keep stoic).

“This marriage means more to the people of our countries than you realize. It gives them hope.”

Could a marriage really mean that much? Could our relationship really change the course of history? The mood of our countries? It seems almost impossible. Almost. However, after seeing the boost the U.K. got from Will and Kate’s wedding… I begin to believe it.

“A relationship can mean that much?” I ask, not breaking our stare.

He doesn’t falter one bit as he says, “That and then some.”

I sigh and slouch in my seat, grabbing at my head—which has started to pound already. I’ve noticed a spike in the amount of headaches I’ve been getting. It’s almost a daily thing now.

We arrive at the train station out front. Through the tinted windows I see photographers, reporters, civilians, politicians, police officers, firefighters and even a couple of survivors that hobbled here on crutches… just to see me… to meet me.

The notion is still strange, no matter how many times I tell myself it’s because I’m a princess. I still have a hard time understanding why they want to touch me; shake my hand; take pictures with me; talk to me.

Chuck gets out first, then my door opens. I’m mindful of my legs, which stay tightly closed together as I slide out of the car, taking Gabe’s hand to steady myself to the ground. Wearing three inch heels might not have been the best idea for today… but try telling Garret that.

Suddenly PrincessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ