Chapter 30 - Nightmare

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Gunshots. Those are the only things I hear. Then, someone shouts at me. They tell me to get down but I’m not fast enough.

Pain explodes in my stomach, sending me to my knees on the ground. Someone jumps in front of me, while another lands on top of me, shielding me from the spray of bullets. I hear screams; cries for help and pleas for mercy. But, mercy is not given.

Tears roll down my cheeks as the screaming pain in my abdomen gets worse. I clutch onto the painful spot with all my might. My hands are covered in brilliant crimson blood, oozing from my body.

I scream out in terror, seeing my hands so bloody. I feel cold.

The body above me goes limp, nearly crushing me as I attempt to wriggle my way out from underneath it. Once I’m finally out I crawl on the ground, not sure where to go but wanting to go anywhere but here. I see pools of blood everywhere, staining the white stone floor.

Then, my eyes land on something even more horrible. The scene before makes me choke on my sobs.

Ben. Victor. Mom. Dad… they’re all there, right in front of my eyes. They aren’t moving; no one makes a sound, even as I cry out their names and try to shake them. Weakly, I nudge at Ben’s shoulder before collapsing beside him.

The world fades to black… and I’m sure I’m dead.

“Anna,” a voice, a very familiar one calls out to me. It seems to be echoing, bouncing off the walls and filling my head.

“Annie,” it says my nickname, making me smile one last time…


I jolt straight up, sending my head spinning as I do. I squeeze my eyes shut, certain that someone’s there in front of me with a gun waiting to kill me.

“Anna, it’s okay. I’m here. You’re safe,” the voice says again. This time, even in my half-asleep state, I recognize it.


But why would he be here? It’s impossible. He should be in Vladesvya.

“Anna, shhh it’s alright. Please wake up,” he begs, not knowing I’m already awake.

Then I feel the wetness on my cheeks. I’m crying. No, scratch that, I’m sobbing—hysterically so. My hands reach up to wipe the wetness away and I see that I’m in his arms. My head rests on his shoulder.

Running on instinct, I wrap my arms around his neck and bury me face in his shoulder. All the while, he’s trying to get me to calm down.

But is he really here? Or am I still dreaming?

I pull back and wipe away some more salty tears from my cheeks. My eyes open all the way. The sight before me makes me sigh in relief.

He’s actually here.

“Anna?” He questions with a concerned expression ruining his youthful face. “Are you awake?”

I can’t help but break out into a crazy tearful smile. Just hearing his voice and knowing that he’s okay makes me feel a lot better—and I’ll have to make a point to call mom dad and the guys when I get the chance. I need to hear them, too.

I nod, blinking furiously and rubbing my eyes until I they’re raw.

“Are you okay?” He asks, reaching up and tucking a lock of hair behind me ear. His hand caresses my cheek, making me look at his as I reply.

“Yeah,” I answer, my voice raspy and not quite all there.

A small smile forms on his lips, but it’s obvious he’s not very happy. He still looks concerned.

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