Chapter 27 - Camera Lenses and Bombings

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“Oh. My. God.”

This isn’t the reaction I was expecting from my five friends when I arrived at school with a camera guy and reporter following close behind me.

I roll my eyes, “Yeah, I know. I tried to get them to stop it from happening but it was no use… just act like usual, they’re not going to ask any questions. They’re just going to follow us around all day and get some b-roll video clips…”

I glance back they, looming just down the hallway from where we’re standing. Already some underclassmen are acting like goofballs, waving their hands in front of the camera. It makes me cringe. Marc shoos them away, but it doesn’t stop others from doing the same thing.

“I just wish our classmates weren’t so… obnoxious,” I sigh.

Sami says, “Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll cut all the embarrassing shots out.”

While everyone was busy being optimistic, in between classes I was constantly answering texts from Ben, who has been filling me in on the latest news (that I’m not supposed to know). It seems like we’re getting more pessimistic about this whole situation as time goes on. The rebels in Chirnova have calmed down ever since I returned, but now there is another rebel group rising up against me and in favor of Dmitry. It’s slightly hurting my feelings.

@HRHPrincessAnna: I have to say, the rumors going around right now are ridiculous.

Not even one second after posting that Tweet hundreds of people are trying to tweet at me, either giving me advice or bashing me. I have to say, there are more compliments and supporters than there are haters. That, I feel lucky for. But still, it's not very nice to have someone that doesn't even know you calling you a 'bitch', 'fake' and a 'slut'.

What I feel not-so-lucky for is the way everyone’s eyes in the cafeteria gravitate towards me. It’s like they don’t even notice they’re doing it, not even the teachers—not even the principal.

Lunchtime conversation stays the same, but I can’t help feel a sweat breaking out through my body. Having this camera on me all day is starting to take a toll. It’s to the point we’re I’m afraid to say the wrong thing, so I just opt for small talk and smiles.

In Speech & Debate class I have to make a presentation with Sami and Mel. The topic is reckless driving, fittingly. Mel and I wanted to do that topic because both our families have had deaths resulting from that.

Needless to say, after a very passionate presentation we received some nice applause.

“Hey, at least you’re getting some experience,” Mel says as we take our seats.

I laugh, “I think I’ve had all the experience I’ll need, Mel. I spoke on a balcony, remember?”

“And didn’t even stutter,” Sami adds as the next group goes up to present.

I wave it off, “I was reading off a paper.”

“Pft, even if I was reading off a paper I would have stuttered,” Mel points out. “It’s like you’re a natural.”

I roll my eyes, “Right.”

“No, really, Ann you were amazing,” Sami insists. “Trust me, if you messed up we’d never let you forget it.”

I let out a laugh again. She does have a point.

As soon as the bell rings we’re back in the auditorium with Mr. Vlad, going over plans for the spring talent/fashion show. Then, the drama club shows up and I head up to the lighting and sound booth with my cameraman and reporter fast behind me.

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