Chapter 12: Christmas Day

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“Annie!” My mom calls out in a sing-songy voice from outside in the hallway. The twins soon follow after her with, “Ann! Wake your lazy ass up so we can get over to Nona’s to open presents!” They swing the door wide open.

I groan and put on my glasses. There’s no need for contacts, make up or fancy clothes today. It’s an all-day deal at Nona and Papa’s house. We eat breakfast and open presents; eat lunch and watch the parades on TV; eat a five course dinner and relax. Did I ever mention how much I love Christmas? Correction: how much I love Christmas with my family?

That reminds me. Next year I won’t be here for Christmas…

“Annie, are you getting ready or not?! Come on!” Adrian yells with a laugh. I hear him go bounding down the stairs to help dad load the presents into the car.

I huff and push myself off the bed, throwing a bra on with my hot pink camisole. I put a loose black knit sweater over it, knowing I’ll get cold later when we head outside to watch the boys on their new toys (ATVs to be exact). I brush my hair into a respectable form and leave it down. After slipping into my fuzzy black slippers and sweatpants, I make my way downstairs… only after running back to my room to grab my phone and slip on my engagement ring.

@Anna_Noff: Oh boy, here come the presents… @AlecNoff66 & @AdamNoff33

“Merry Christmas, honey,” my mom says, giving me a hug and a kiss. Dad does the same and for once I see that they’re realizing what I’ve been realizing for the past few days.

I bit my lip anxiously and say, “So this is my last Christmas at home…”

Dad smiles and mom gets teary-eyes again. Dad says, “Chirnova is your first home, Anna.”

I nod and smile a little, checking my messages. All the girls have sent me Christmas greetings. I answer them all back with the same "Merry Christmas" and I finally work up the nerve to tell Ash and Ave…

Hey! :) I’m leaving for Vladesvya tomorrow night so do you and Avery wanna hang before then? I’ll miss you :(

She replies: Sure! Can we? I mean, we wouldn't want to barge in on you and those royals if you've got some business to attend to. We'll miss you more :(

I answer: Lmao of course you can, Ash! I can promise you that nothing would ever stop me from being with you girls! :) can you come over tomorrow around noon? I’ll be packing for the trip but you can help me.

“Come on, Ann!” Adrian yells as he and the twins pile out the door and run towards his car.

“Oh dear god,” I say jokingly to dad, “Is Adrian driving the presents?”

His eyes widen. “Oh god, no. Do you think I’m that stupid?"

I pull on my Northface and follow my parents out to the minivan. We—thank god—make it back to Nona and Papa’s house in one piece. This time we’re one of the first ones there. The street is quiet. No one’s really outside yet. Though, I’m sure the obnoxious neighborhood kids will be out in force by noon-time.

As Ben and Victor join me in the walk up the driveway (we arrived early enough to call dibs on the driveway spaces) I ask them, “How have you not been followed yet?”

Victor winks, “We have our ways.”

I don’t bother to comment on that as I see the two body guards sitting in the car. I wonder if they’ll come inside like yesterday. It's not that I don't like them, but they're a bit imposing and honestly the one with the buzz-cut scares me.

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