Chapter 6: Chilling With A Prince

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*Picture is of Adrian*

@Anna_Noff: I can’t believe I’m actually going to school today. #sosick #cantbreathe

I force myself to go to school. After all, it’s Friday, which means I don’t have to stay after. I can actually leave early like I’m allowed to. And those fifty extra minutes spent lying around my room really count. They not only help me recooperate from the school day. Now they help me deal with the bomb I just go dropped on me the other day. I can spend another fifty minutes contemplating the demise of my normal soon-to-be-eighteen-year-old life.

Ashlyn drops me off at 1:00 and I stumble through the doorway to find the two royal pains currently sitting on the sofa. I make a face and hang up my Northface jacket on the coat rack angrily, or as angrily as I can when it falls off twice.

“An, are you alright?” My mom asks, walking in from the kitchen. “You look flushed.”

I sniffle and shrug. “Just getting a cold, I guess." As I make my way towards the stairs she catches me by the arm and puts her lips to my forehead.

“You’re warm… get changed and come back down here. I’ll give you some Tylenol.”

Trudging upstairs, I change into flannel pajama pants and an old t-shirt. My fingers clumsily pull my hair up into a high ponytail before I scrub the makeup off my face. When I’m satisfied with my appearance I travel back down the stairs—getting slightly dizzy in the process.

Mom is waiting with two capsules in her hand and a glass of water. I down them in one shot and walk over to the couch. Dad and Victor are gone. They’re heading down the hallway and into my dad’s tiny office. The twins are here but disappear seconds later, running out to their car to make it to practice. Adrian is nowhere in sight. So, aside from mom who’s in the kitchen making pastries, I’m left all alone with Ben.

The unreasonably attractive Prince looks at me like I’m amusing, standing before him sick as can be; with my eyes drooping and cheeks bright pink. “I think you better sit down before your legs give out."

I look down and sure enough I’m shaking. Somehow, I make it to the couch. But instead of simply stretching out like I want to, I end up curling up into a ball at the opposite end of the couch. Grandma’s hideous blanket creation actually comes in handy when I start shivering. I wrap the thing around me like a cocoon.

He shifts and gets more comfortable, stretching and leaning every which way. They must not have beat-up, worn down couches where he lives. His palace must have feather-filled sofas and dais made of silk.

Ignoring his fidgeting to the best of my ability, I pay attention to the television a little more and realize he’s been watching the Bruins play the Flyers.

“You like hockey?” I ask.

He almost laughs. “Of course, Vladesvya won the bronze medal at the last winter Olympics; Chirnova came in fifth… it’s a big thing over there.”

“Oh yeah…” I pause for a moment before asking, “So what’s your favorite American team?”

“Bruins,” he says without missing a beat. “You?”

“Bruins, of course,” I smile and look up at him from the few inches of space between our bodies. My feet almost awkwardly hit his thigh, but he doesn’t mind.

The twins, naturally, have to ruin the moment. They've rushed back into the house, probably because they’ve forgotten their hockey tape again. They catch the entire exchange.

“Congratulations!" They say in unison.

"You two have one thing in common!” Alec adds. I feel the urge to climb over the couch and slap them as they sprint past us.

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