Chapter 21 - New Year's Eve

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*Dedication of this chapter goes to Ardisheer for expressing such an interest in my story! Thanks for the support!*

“Anna,” a male voice whispers. My brain realizes it’s not Katia waking me up this morning. My eyelashes struggle in an attempt to lift the iron curtains that are my eyelids. The voice registers in my head.


“Anna,” he repeats softly. I open my eyes fully to see him hovering over me. The corners of my mouth turn upwards.

“Good Morning,” I mumble almost incoherently.

“Sleep well?” He asks, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. “We have a long day ahead of us.”

I nod, rubbing my eyes and reaching for my glasses. He manages to get to them first. He slips them onto my face almost expertly. But then I look up and realize something that was a bit blurry before (thanks to my astigmatism). He’s wearing glasses. It’s the first time I’ve seen them. The label D&G is on the side. I see it as he turns his head, picking up my ring from the night table.

“I didn’t know you had glasses,” I say in my quiet morning voice.

He nods, “Slight astigmatism—nothing bad but I have contacts in most of the time.”

He takes my hand and slips the ring on my left ring finger. I stare at it for a good minute before he says, “It’s going to be a good night.” His lips touch my forehead quickly before getting off the bed. He holds out his hand. I take it, walking out with him. My iPhone tells me it’s nine in the morning. I run a hand through my hair and check Twitter first. The amount of followers has gone up to 100,000 and still keeps climbing as I refresh my profile page.

@HRHPrincessAnna: #Wow! I can’t believe I have over 100,000 followers!

“By the way, I’ve been meaning to discuss a certain topic with you… our New Year’s Eve kiss?” He raises his eyebrows suggestively.

I sigh, “I have no problem kissing you, just not in front of millions of people.”

“Just a peck, Annie, that’s all they want,” he chuckles. "And at least I have the courtesy to discuss it with you first."

I make a face. “I’ll think about it.”

“Hey, Miss. I-Have-like-one-hundred-million-hits-on-Google!” Alec exclaims. Everyone else just says good morning.

“Keep in mind we have to leave by eleven,” Victor tells everyone as he enters the room. We all sit and eat our breakfast like usual.

“The broadcasters are saying there should be more than ten million viewers just through television in Europe and the U.K. tonight. Plus, there’s going to be a massive turnout. Tony tells me they’re already taking spots near the front of the stage in front of the palace.” Victor says all this while staring at his new iPhone.

“Damn,” Adrian says. “Guys, we’re famous!” He leans over Alec so Adam can see his phone, too. They stare at something on the screen and smile like it’s Christmas all over again.

“You boys are attracting quite a lot of attention,” mom says.

I roll my eyes. Ben says, “Everyone at this table is going to receive loads of attention.”

Considering that my cousins are eating with us I suppose that means them, too. They smile at the thought. I guess they’ve been under my uncle’s shadow for a while. It’s good to know that they feel better now. But, they’re awfully quiet… maybe I'll try to get close with some of them. It would be good for my well-being, having close blood-relatives around for advice and help.

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