Chapter 24 - First Day Back To School

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I don't wake up to the sound of my iPod dock. Nope, I wake up about a half an hour earlier than I have to... by the sound of screwdrivers and hammers.

At first, I think it's just one of dad's new projects... but then I realize I'm not normal anymore. Therefore, it's got to be something... well... not normal.

So, I slip out of bed and waste no time getting ready. First day back to school, I might as well look good. It's not like I can go back to sleep with that raucous going on downstairs.

Garret, Bryant, Kassy and Val are staying at a nearby Inn because we have no more room in the house. I won't be needing them until I attend some interviews and events anyway (or until they decide to raid my closet). So, I pick out skinny jeans and a plain green, off-the-shoulder sweater. I can almost hear Garret say BORING! A printed blue and green scarf is the only thing I can do to liven the outfit up a bit.

Bryant is also in the back of my mind as I do my hair—I straighten it, since it's the easiest choice. He'd have a heart attack if he caught me on my first day back with my hair in a bun--and he probably would because there are camera guys from new stations across the freaking world standing on the sidewalk outside my house right now.

Val, on the other hand, is completely out of my thoughts as I swipe on mascara and lazily do my eye makeup. However, I do wear Ben's ballet slipper necklace and my mom's bracelet for goodluck. I also don't forget to put on my ring—god forbid I get photographed without it on. It would cause an international crisis.

I grab my black, knit Uggs and my usual school purse. At the last second I grab the A.P. English paper off of my desk. I don't need Mrs. Aldo on my case.

@HRHPrincessAnna: Waking up to the sounds of hammer and screw drivers is never pleasant #notahappycamper

I rush downstairs, drawn by the smell of pancakes. When I look into the living room from my place on the stairs I can see people standing on ladders in two corners of the room. My head tilts to the left in confusion.

"They're installing cameras," Gabe's voice comes from the bottom of the stairs. "Don't worry, only in the living room, facing towards the front door and in the kitchen, towards the back door... and outside..."

I sigh in relief. "Well then, some people are going to have to learn to keep their clothes on while walking around the house," I say pointedly towards Adrian (did I mention he doesn't go back to college for another two weeks?)

He whacks me on the arm lightly. "I'm the wrong person to talk to about that," he answers with a mouth full of pancakes.

"Want any, honey?" Mom asks from the stove. I go to answer, but Gabe answers for me.

"Actually, we kind of have to leave now. The Principal and Board of Ed members want to meet with her... and us," he shrugs.

Marc comments, "I heard they're having breakfast brought to the meeting."

I roll my eyes and huff. "Let's just go, then."

Mom rushes over to give me a kiss on the cheek. Dad does the same, leaping over tool kits in order to do so. Adrian just shouts something incoherent through a mouth full of more pancakes. I grab my Northface and we head out the door.

They're still there. At 6:45 in the morning they're standing on my sidewalk; cameras ready to capture me going back to school. I hear the snapping of cameras and some people have their flash on--though, it's not dark enough for the flashes to blind me, thankfully. They shout my name, and sometimes say 'princess' which makes me wince.

I'm so glad I told Ashlyn she didn't have to pick me up. She would've run them all over. LITERALLY.

Once we're in the car I pull my Northface on. I ask them, "Exactly what does Mr. Robertson want to talk about at this meeting?"

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