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I woke up to the sweet chirping of birds. I have always liked nature, it calms me. Anytime I felt lonely, I used to go and sit in the forest, I had a secret place of my own. I looked around the room that I woke up in and its beautiful black interior was unfamiliar, then like lightning, all of yesterday's events came back gushing inside my mind.

I got up from my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I freshened up and went down while going down I heard many voices which meant there were a lot of people there. As I entered all the voices stopped and looked at me. I looked down and shifted on my feet uncomfortably.

"Oh Ellie you are up, come here" Cole called out. I made my way towards him in the middle of the room.
" Everyone this is Ellie Woods and she is going to stay with us for some time, so make her feel welcomed" he announced.

There were many welcomes and nice to have you with us. I just looked at them and gave them my best smile. Cole then took me to the kitchen where I saw Ben and Mike fighting over chocolate syrup. As soon as I entered they stopped and greeted me, I smiled at them.

" eggs or beacon?" asked a voice from near the stove. I looked over and saw Kade making what I assumed to be pancakes which weren't turning out that great. I slowly made my way towards him "May I ?" I asked while motioning towards the pan, he quickly gave it to me.

I took the pan and emptied its contents inside a bin. All the boys were just looking at me, I went to the countertop and started mixing all the ingredients for a pancake. All the boys were now seated at the dining table, I quickly made all the pancakes and served it to them. They were all staring at their plates with watery mouths.

Ben slowly took a bite of his pancake. His eyes were wide and he without any break took a second bite then a third. everyone looked at him and without wasting any time dived into their breakfast. I just stood there looking at them in amusement.

Kade looked up and asked me to join them. I sat with them it was a bit weird because I wasn't used to eating with the pack.
" hmmm, now we won't have to eat the shit which Kade cooked," Mike said and everyone agreed.
" We haven't eaten food this delicious in decades, Ellie you are the best!" exclaimed Cole with his mouth still filled with food. I smiled awkwardly at him.

"Finish your food and then talk" ordered Kade.

After breakfast, everyone was gathered in the living room there also were some people whom I didn't know yet. Ben and Max were sitting with two girls on the love seats, I was sitting with Kade and Cole on either side of me.

"Hi, I am Jane, Ben's mate," said the girl with darkish blonde hair and blue eyes " and I am Cindy, Mike's mate, " a girl with brownish hair and green eyes said.

"Hello, I am Ellie " I politely smiled at them.

" aww, I like her already " squealed Cindy. Everyone smiled at that, " okay so you must already know us by now but I'll still introduce you to everyone present here" Kade said.

"That would be nice," I said.

" I am kade Williams, alpha of the blood claw pack. This is Cole Black my beta and Ben and Mike, the twins are my gammas. those two girls are their mates and also Cindy is my sister "Kade explained.
Oh so Cindy is his sister no wonder they look similar, " it's nice to meet you all, and thank you for taking me in" I said gratefully.

" now now, Ellie you don't have many clothes, do you?" asked Jane and before I could reply Cindy said, " Of course she doesn't Jane, brother can we please take her shopping? ".

" Sure you can here take my card," Kade said while handing Cindy a black card.

Both the girls were jumping excitedly. They looked so happy, they all did and I also found myself smiling a bit. these people were so nice even to a rouge-like me. After some time we headed for the mall and to tell you the truth this would be my first time shopping because in my old pack I used to wear old or hand-me-down clothes.

It was so tiring and I swear I am never going shopping with either of them again. We were shopping for three hours straight and these girls weren't even a bit tired. They took all kinds of clothes for me and I felt a bit embarrassed as they were the ones paying for them.

" don't worry, we have my brother's card and he rarely gives it to us so we are going to use it efficiently," Cindy said. After the dreadful three hours of shopping, we were back at the packhouse.

All the boys were laying on the couch and were watching a movie. They all turned to us when we entered, I went over to one of the empty seats and sat there heavily. I honestly didn't have any energy left in me.

"What have you done, look at her, she is so exhausted," Cole said pointing towards me. The girls just smiled awkwardly.

It was late in the afternoon so everyone said their byes and went to their rooms to rest. With great struggle, I managed to get to my room. I went straight for the bed without even changing my clothes and As soon as my back hit the bed sleep overtook me but this time I had a smile on my face.





The lengendary wolfDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora