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2 years later...

I heard hushed voices, whispering around me but my sleep was too precious for me so I paid no heed to those voices. In my dream, it was great, a nice clear sunny day, me out with my family just like the old days. I was going towards my parents to sit and eat with them but as soon as I sat, I felt as if I am drowning.

Where the hell did the water come from on a sunny clear day with grass and trees all around. That's when I woke up into the real world, and I was in fact drowning, my reflexes kicked in and I swam myself to the corner of the POOL.

It was then that I heard a loud series of laughter all around me, I looked up and found my friends cracking up on the floor. Oh Good Lord, if I was in a cartoon right now, then there would be smoke coming out of my ears and my face deep red with anger.

Still laughing, Cole offered his hand to pull me out of the water, I glared at him and shooed his hand away, and got out of the pool. Kade wrapped a towel around me, I saw his face, and God even he was laughing.

"not funny guys, not funny" I glared at all of them, shaking my head and sitting on the lounge chair.

 "Oh My God El, you should have seen your face"Jane laughed

"You were sleeping so deeply, you didn't even notice, that we literally carried your mattress downstairs with you on top and put you in the pool," Cindy said. 

All of them were still recovering from their laughing session and a few of them jumped into the pool and started playing.

I just sat there all drenched, still mad at them for playing this awful prank on me. "c'mon now, stop sulking and join us El" called out cole.

"yeah yeah stop it now, look it's so fun here" agreed Jane, while splashing water on Ben.

" I think I'll pass guys, I'm not feeling up to it. Just let me soak in the sun for a while" I replied.

They all seem to understand and resumed their fun. I laid there on the pool chair, the warm sun was feeling nice on my wet body, I closed my eyes and soon all the noises around me were hushed as I started thinking about the day I was accepted into this pack.


After everyone got to know my story as to why I ran away, they all treated me so nicely. After 15 days or so, Kade called me into his office and asked whether or not I wanted to be a part of this pack.

"We have spent quite a few days with you now Ellie and all of us really seem to like you, so we all have decided to make you a member of our pack. What do you say?" said Kade.

I was just so touched by this, they wanted me in their pack, and they have already accepted me as one of their own.

 " Are you kidding, of course, yes I wanna join your pack, you all have loved me more than my own pack members ever did and I'm so glad to have met you guys" I answered with tears in my eyes.

Kade smiled " Go on then, get ready, we will have the ceremony in the evening".

I got up and hugged Kade tightly and went outside jumping on my way. Cindy and Jane were already there up in my room when I entered it.

"Oh hey, girls, what's up?"I asked giddily, going and sitting next to Jane.

"Oh look at that smile, so Kade told you?" asked Cindy.

"oh of course he did, why else would this girl be smiling like that" Jane said while looking at me.

"Okay, well then we have less than a couple of hours to get you ready El, c'mon buckle up" Cindy informed me.

"Oh well, I totally forgot about getting ready and all. Hell, do I even have a dress, what do I do, can we keep it tomorrow?"I started pacing around in the room.

" Woah there calm down now, we are here not to worry"

I smiled, the girls had already picked out an outfit for me, it wasn't a very grand ceremony so a simple modest outfit would suffice.

I wore the dress they gave me. It was a square neck, black dress with puff sleeves, it looked so pretty, perfect for the occasion. Jane styled my hair in a half bun and put on some clips at the back, I wore my necklace that my mom had left me and completed my look with a pair of black stilettos.

It was nearly time, so we all went towards the ground, where almost all the pack members have assembled. I was feeling so nervous, I had met most of the members but many faces were still unfamiliar, at last, this pack was so huge.

"Woah, you look beautiful, El" complimented Cole.

" Thank you" I blushed and looked down. He chuckled looking at me. 

"As most of you might know, we have recently had a new wolf join us at our pack, after spending a few days with her we have decided to accept her into our pack" announced Kade from the stage.

All the members were cheering with smiles on their faces. Kade called for me to come up, I anxiously walked toward him.

He took a knife and made a cut on his palm, blood oozed out from the cut. Then he came to me and made a cut on my palm as well, I hissed as it pained me.

He then smiled at me and joined our palms together, I was to repeat the oath behind him and so I did. Soon enough, I felt the connections to this pack and Kade let go of my hand.

" Welcome to the blood claw pack Ellie, you are now officially a member of this pack"

All the people were clapping and welcoming me. I went down the stage and joined my friends, who were all standing there with a smile on their faces.

There was a banquet after the ceremony, so we went to get food. Many people welcomed me with warm smiles and handshakes on the way as they passed me. I was feeling so great, I finally have a family who loves me and a pack who wants me and respects me.

We all laughed and joked and talked the entire night while sitting in the garden enjoying the view. It felt so complete like it was all I ever wanted, it made my heart happy and warm again.  


I opened my eyes and smiled looking at my friends, that day was a very important day in my life. Seeing them still playing, I decided to join them and jumped in the pool.

We all played there in the water for hours, like a happy family. And it was as if nothing could go wrong at this moment or so I thought ...




I will be slow with updating for some time.

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