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A knock on my door again woke me up, I ignored it and kept sleeping but the knocking did not stop. I groaned and got up to open the door, I opened it with my eyes still closed.

"you are such a sleepyhead" someone laughed,

"CMON WAKE UP", someone shouted and I instantly covered my ears,

"geez, alright fine, stop shouting", I said while opening my eyes to see who it was,

it was Cole, as expected coz' only he troubles me this much. He said it was time for dinner and everyone was waiting, so he pulled me down.

All were seated, I went and sat beside Jane, we whispered a quiet hi and started eating our food.

As I had said that in this pack the females were not trained and looking at the situation, they should be prepared so I decided to speak up about it.

"uhh umm, so Jackson, as you know the situation is getting worse and we need all the help that we can get so I suggest that from tomorrow all the females above the age of 18 should come to train and of course, those who have kids are not entitled to come."

He was thinking about it when a very irritating voice came, "Jacky no, I think all the warriors are enough, why should we even train? Won't it be too much for us?", if you haven't yet guessed who it was then I would tell you it was Kimberly.

"I think it is a good idea and very needed at this point, so it's done from tomorrow the females will train too", said Jackson totally ignoring Kimberly.

She had an irritated look on her face but didn't say anything as she couldn't defy her alpha. We all ate our food in silence then and went back to sleep.

Even after sleeping so much, I had no problem going back to sleep again. 


I found myself again in that familiar white surroundings, I went here and there searching for my mom, the moon goddess. I am meeting her after so long, I don't know what she has to tell me.

"I am here, my child", I looked in the direction of that voice and saw her standing there, in that same white dress and her otherworldly beauty. I walked to her, hugged her, and instantly felt relief.

"Is there something that you want to tell me, mother?"I asked, 

"yes, I do and also I wanted to see you" she replied, "The purpose for which you were born into that world is coming closer to you, and once it comes you will know what it is and what you have to do"

I was clearly confused, what was this purpose that she kept talking about,

"I have seen you and you have improved quite a lot but keep on improving coz' there are enemies out there who are far more ruthless than you can even imagine"

"thank you, mother, I will keep that in mind", I smiled 

"When you go back there will be a little surprise coming for you, I know that the mate thing didn't turn out as u expected but don't worry child, you deserve the world and that is what you will get"

I was reminded of the mate thing again but I had far too many good memories now that the pain was almost gone.

"It's time I can't keep you here for long now but remember to always be on alert and follow your instincts", she advised 

"yes, but when will I meet you again mother," I asked with a hopeful voice,

she smiled, " soon my child, soon"

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