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Ellie's POV 

I woke up in a bright place, it was so pure and white, I don't think that I have ever seen a place this beautiful.

A fountain was sitting at the heart of that place, emitting a shiny golden-colored liquid. There were some pillars with gorgeous carvings on them scattered over the land which looked like white sand.

As I walked ahead, I found myself at the start of a long white hallway, this place was breathtaking.

When I reached the middle of the hallway I heard a voice calling me, I looked here and there but found no one, then someone chuckled from behind me.

I turned and saw a literal goddess standing in front of me, she wore an elegant white dress with some delicate golden jewelry, her face was angelic without any trace of makeup.

"you are finally here, my child" her voice was like music to one's ears, she looked as if she was in her mid 30's.

"I am sorry, but I don't recognize you," I said thinly.

" Oh silly me, I am the moon goddess, my child" 

I quickly bowed my head in respect after hearing that, she just told me to stand up straight and that there is no need for that.

I guess she noticed the confused expression on my face as she started to explain why I am here.

" you are special my child, you have greater tasks to fulfill, the fate of the entire werewolf kingdom depends on you " 

I was still as confused as before if not more, what does she mean by the fate of the werewolf kingdom.

" we will talk about this later someday, I can't keep you here for long " she smiled and motioned me to walk with her.

" You are my daughter, and I am sure that you must be knowing that you are a white wolf and yes my child there are some reasons why you were chosen "

After hearing her call me her daughter I remembered my mother and how she used to care for me, I just couldn't hold it in any longer, so I just hugged the moon goddess and cried softly.

" oh, baby, don't cry, I am here and I will always be there with you. There is nothing you should be afraid of my child."

I stopped crying and then mom wiped my tears and smiled a motherly smile at me which made me smile as well.

" now, I am afraid, you'll have to go back and remember to always listen to your wolf, she is the only one you can trust in that world "

" yes mother, iI'llremember it" I smiled at her.

"bye, my child " she kissed my forehead.


Ugh, this stupid alarm.

I woke up and sat on my bed, I remembered everything that happened in my dream and I was so happy that my mother is still there.

I got ready for training and as there was still plenty of time left for it to start, I went down into the kitchen to take a quick bite.

"good morning, Alpha," I said.

" oh, someone's in a good mood today " replied Kade and we just smiled at each other.

I just picked a couple of bananas and headed out towards the gym.

If you are wondering why I called kade my alpha, it is because now I am a member of their pack, after like 2 or 3 months of staying here, they offered me to join their pack, and well who am I to deny such a nice offer.

As I reached the gym no one was there as there were still a few minutes left for the training to start. So I just did some stretching and for warm-up, I wore my gloves and went towards the punching bag.



I stumbled on my feet as Cindy threw a really fast punch straight in my face. I quickly stood in my fighting stance and threw a jab across her face but she dodged it.

I saw that she twisted her leg and was going to kick straight, so I acted swiftly and blocked it with my arm and threw a straight jab at her, which hit her quite strongly.

As she was still regaining from the punch, I went behind her and held her in a headlock. I had a pretty tight hold on her, so it was nearly impossible to break free from it.

She tapped three times on my hand signaling that she accepts defeat. 

"wow, Ellie I have to say you have improved a lot " Cole said while clapping.

"Well, what can we say, Cole, I'm the best," I said dramatically flipping my ponytail in his face.

Everyone else was just laughing, let's say I have improved a lot in these 6 months. 

I no longer look like a panting dog while running, running every day has improved my endurance, after a month of normal training, I also started to learn fighting but only in human form.

Kade said that before practicing in my wolf form, first I should train and become strong in my human form. That explains why I was just fighting Cindy.

Everyone is impressed with me as I am catching up to them pretty fast but I still have a lot to improve. I do think that the reason why I am improving so rapidly is that I am a white wolf and I still haven't told them that.

" El, tomorrow we are going to practice in wolf form, alright" Kade informed me.

"yes, alpha" I smiled.

Okay, so I guess tomorrow is the day everyone will get to know that I am a white wolf, I don't know what their reactions will be, I am nervous.

'don't worry El, everything will be fine, everyone loves us' Amari assured me.






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