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Today's day was going pretty average, in the morning we trained then we had breakfast and now we were waiting for the royals to come.

Everyone was very excited to see them like max people were going to see them for the first time in their life. The weird feeling in my stomach was increasing as each minute passed by, I yet had no idea what it was all about.

I didn't want to stay here so I decided to go out for a walk, "Hey, where are you going, the royals will be here soon" asked kade,

"I am not feeling well, don't worry I will be back in time," I say while continuing to walk outside, I went out into the woods, after yesterday's event only nature can calm me, I don't know why but I have always felt this connection with nature.

I sit on a fallen tree branch, closing my eyes and taking in the pure smell of trees and soil, it immediately calms my nerves.

I opened my eyes with a bolt, shit how can I fall asleep here in the middle of the woods. The royals must have reached by now. I got up and took a step when I felt as if someone was watching me.

I looked ahead and saw a male figure, he looked tall and strong, for a moment I thought that the rouge was back again but it wasn't him for sure.

I was getting the weird feeling again and it was stronger this time, I had to find out who he is so I started walking faster.

When I reached him I couldn't help but check him out, the aura around him was pretty bold, he held authority, and his looks, God.

He had eyes as grey as the storm clouds, they showed very little emotion, his face was perfectly made and he had a fit body not too buff not too thin just perfect.

I think he saw me checking him out so he cleared his throat, I looked up as he was tall I had to stretch my neck in order to look him in the eye. "who are you, and what are you doing here?" I enquired, I can admire his looks later coz' this was more important.

"Pardon me miss, I was just looking around" he replied,

miss? what world does he live in, so formal. " you are not from this pack, you are an intruder, you will have to come with me.

"but I-" he started, I cut him off, "no buts, come willingly or I will have to use force",

he complied and walked back to the house with me, I don't know why but I was feeling a pull towards him, I looked back and he was staring straight at me, I wonder if he feels the same way.

There was no one in the living room, so I directly took him to Jackson's office. He was sitting there doing some work, when he saw us he got up with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Jackson, I found him on the pack lands, he isn't from this pack, what to do about him now?", I got confused as to why Jackson was looking wide-eyed at me and then towards the man standing beside me.

He came towards us and looked at the man beside me apologetically and said," I am so sorry, prince. She did not know your identity, so she made a mistake"

WHAT PRINCE, he is the prince, no wonder he had that aura around him, and oh God, I have made a big mistake.

Without looking up at him, I turned towards him while bowing my head and babbled, " I am so so sorry, I had no idea who you were. Did I make a really big mistake of course I did,  I am so stupid. You won't have me thrown into jail right or worse executed??"

He put his hands on my shoulders and said, "Woah calm down, I am not uptight and you did not do it on purpose it was an honest mistake, it's alright", I did not hear what he was saying coz' his touch, it gave me sparks even if they were not so strong they were still there.

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