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"Papa Papa, look" 10yr old me said giggling and jumping trying to catch the butterflies, it was just one of those weekends when our family used to come to the outskirts of our pack territory for a small picnic. 

Mom was sitting on the blanket and making sandwiches for us whereas my dad was watching me try to catch the butterflies but fail miserably, today it was just us, as John had to finish a school project with Jackson. I was 4yrs younger than both of them so, I really didn't get what they used to talk about.

Running behind the butterflies I went a bit more into the forest,

 "Hey kiddo, don't go too deep inside ok" dad shouted,

 I was too caught up in catching those small butterflies that I almost didn't hear that growl but when I did, I stopped catching the butterflies and looked ahead of me, there were a pair of red eyes staring back at me, I froze not knowing what to do.

I wanted to shout for help, call my dad but it was as if I had lost my voice. Just as I was lost in thought, the wolf pounced on me but before he could harm me, a big brown wolf attacked him from behind me. Dad, it was my dad. I saw how they were fighting furiously, my mom came and pulled me away from them.

The wolf was a rouge, he was very big and stronger than dad as a result dad was losing the fight, dad was seriously injured now and the wolf was biting onto dad's neck. In no time, mom had shifted and ran forward to save her mate from that rouge. I just stood there, frozen and in shock, unable to produce any sort of reaction.

I saw that rouge kill my parents mercilessly right in front of my eyes and before he could come for me, I heard many steps progressing towards us. He ran away, I looked at the scene in front of me, blood everywhere, my parents' body lying there lifeless.

The alpha came with a few warriors and Cole was there too, he couldn't believe what had happened. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO, WHY ARE THEY NOT WAKING UP, SPEAK EL, PLEASE," asked cole, while holding my shoulders and shaking them hard.

I was too numb, I said nothing.....

I woke up with a jolt, breathing heavily, my whole body covered in sweat. That wasn't a nightmare as such it was my memory, one of my most painful memories, that day changed my life forever, I became an orphan, everyone started to hate me even my own brother.

After I calmed myself down, I went for a nice warming shower. Next, I put on my black skinny jeans, a beige floral blouse, some accessories to match and finished my look with a light spray of perfume. I left my hair down, in its naturally soft and wavy curls.

I looked at myself in the mirror, satisfied with my look I went down to grab a snack. I heated some leftover pizza and gobbled it down, as I had been tremendously hungry. After finishing, I went to the living room, to see Cindy and Jane sitting there.

They saw me and smiled, I walked up to them slowly smiling sheepishly and said a small 'Hi',

 "El, we understand why you didn't tell us, and it is perfectly fine, you don't have to act guilty or something," said Cindy smiling,

 "Yes and we will always love you El, you are family now" Jane added.

Now hearing those words, I was back to normal no longer feeling as guilty as before. I smiled big and engulfed them in a bear hug. 

" thank you guys, for being so understanding, I love y'all too"I replied.

"Okay so we know that you have a rest day today and we were planning on going shopping, you in?" asked Cindy,

 "Do I have a choice?" I said looking at them, we all laughed together.

 "We are leaving in 10 mins ok" ordered Jane,

 " Aye Aye Captain," Cindy and I both said in unison laughing.


I really do hate shopping, every time this happens, these girls are monsters. We have been here for 4hrs now and they are not even half done, we went into almost all the stores present in this entire freaking big mall. How are they not tired at all, God save me from these monsters.

"Tsk, there is nothing good inside this store," said Cindy, 

Jane agreed "Let's go to the other shop",

 "There is no other shop left" I grumbled.

 "Oh is that so?" Jane said sadly, 

"Girls, I am hungry as fuck, can we please go to the food court?" I pleaded, 

"Okay ya alright, same here, let's go then" replied Cindy.

We went to Mcdonald's, I ordered large fries, a Big Mac, chicken nuggets, sausage burrito, and an iced coffee. The girls were looking at me like I had grown three heads, what it isn't my fault, I was very hungry and exhausted.

Once my order arrived, without wasting a second, I pounced on my food, I finished every last bit of the food not wasting anything. Now I felt good, great in fact, my energy was all restored and my stomach happy.

"Let's go home!" I said jumping up from my seat, they both nodded and we headed out of the mall. 

In the car, we had fun with music on full blast and we singing on top of our voices. After reaching home we saw, the boys all spread out in the living room, some on the sofa, some on the floor and some on the bean bags.

"What's up, guys?" I asked,

 "eh, nothing we were planning on watching a movie, wanna join?" answered Cole, 

"Which movie?"

 "uh fast & furious 9?" said Cole, 

"Oh hell yes, make some space for me bitches" I said, jumping onto the sofa with a loud thump.

The movie ended around 7.30 pm and everyone was very hungry, seeing as I was the only one trusted to make edible food, I offered to cook. I quickly made some spaghetti, with garlic bread and a bowl of salad.

"DINNER'S READY!" I called out,

 everyone came in and sat themselves down on the table, I quickly gave everyone their plates

"mmh, that smells so heavenly" Commented Ben, already drooling, I just chuckled and sat beside Mike.

Everyone greedily took a bite of their food and moaned in delight, I smiled to myself, it feels good to have people appreciate what you do for them. We all chatted about some random things and happily enjoyed the dinner.

At 10 pm, everyone said their goodnights and went off to their own rooms to do whatever they want, I don't really wanna know what they do in their rooms. Even I returned to my room and changed into some comfy clothes.

Standing in the mirror, I took my necklace in my hand and thought about all the happy moments I shared with my family in the past, I really miss everything but I can't do anything abt it now, can I?.

Sighing, I went to my bed and slipped into a  dreamless night. Sometimes dreamless nights are better than having those oh so terrible nightmares, right?


Hush, done finally.

I am trying to update as constantly as possible guys.

Hope you liked that chapter,


The lengendary wolfOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora