Chapter 3.

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               ☾*✲⋆.✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


"Stella! Stella wake up! we're going to be late." I sighed in defeat when I was unable to wake her up so I just decided to get ready on my own.

"[Name]!" Stella screeched as I left the bathroom. "We are going to miss breakfast, why didn't you wake me up?"

"Trust me Stel, I tried." I deadpanned and luckily because Stella was basically speedrunning, we arrived at breakfast on time.

And that's how my first morning here at Alfea went.


"It's your first class of the year.. I'm professor Wizgiz and I teach metamorphosis!" He introduced. "Metamorphosis is the art of changing how you look! and once you master it you can change into anything for example;" Professor Wizgiz turned into Miss Griselda, my eyes lit up in amazement at that. "Don't worry I'm not the queen of detention." He said in Griselda's voice. "The beauty of magic is that you can always turn back!" He explained turning back. "But we'll start with something simple." Snapping his fingers mirrors appeared on our desks. "We'll try with the most easiest exercise. Changing your hair color! just focus your Winx and try to change."

I took the mirror on my desk and looked around the class. A lot of people were able to change their hair color. I looked into my mirror and closed my eyes. I concentrated my winx into my hair and imagined my hair turning purple and when I opened my eyes my hair turned into a light purple color. I smiled proudly. My eyes landed on Bloom who isn't having any luck changing her hair color. Professor Wizgiz jumped on Bloom's desk.

"It's a little early to already fall behind, Bloom. You have some homework to do." The Professor told her and I felt kind of bad for her since this is all new to her after all so she was at a disadvantage. 

After class was dismissed we had other classes to tend to too and I  surprisingly did rather well in those classes. When classes were done we all went back to our dorms to relax but of  course Bloom practically begged for my help so now I was on Bloom's bed in the room she shares with Flora while trying to help her with her homework with Stella and Flora's help because she was a handful. Bloom really decided to rage quit after a few tries and not being able to do it, I really didn't know she could be less encouraged so fast.

"I was the only one who couldn't do it.." Bloom sighed, disappointed in herself.

"You just have to practice Bloom, practice makes perfect after all." I pointed out as I ruffled her hair causing her to pout. "Besides you gave up after three tries, to master something takes time."

"Yeah you're right." Bloom sighed in defeat and decided to try again. "I should never give up."

"And before you know it you will get your Fairy form." Stella added and Bloom jumped up immediately

Thalassophile (Winx Club x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now