Chapter 24.

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"My fellow Sovereigns." My father began as we all stood in the throne room of the castle of Aalto, all the Kings and Queens and Royale families from different planets were all standing here and as did I, Standing next to Asena and Haru as my father stood in front of us. "After his unprovoked attacks on our realms we have come together to fight Tritanus, today we must devise a plan to defeat him!"

"He'll hear!"

"I agree!"

"We have to come together to stop him!"

"I say we move into the Infinite Ocean immediately and overwhelm him!" Crown Prince Nereus determined.

"Would it not be wiser for each realm to first secure its underwater gates and deny Tritanus any chance of escape." The King of Zenith, Cryos, pointed out.

"Tritanus grows stronger every day." Tressa spoke up. "We must attack him now!"

"It is too soon." Cryos retorted.

"We need time to organize." King Erendor, of Eraklyon, agreed.

"We can't wait."

"An attack now would be rash."

Flora stepped forward and bowed to my father. "May I speak your Majesty."

"The council recognizes Flora, Fairy of Nature." My father stepped back and allowed Flora to speak up.

Flora looked at every one of them, feeling slightly intimidated, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves, she turned to me, looking at me with an unsure look but I gave her a reassuring smile, her lips curled up and her face held more confidence as she turned back to the Sovereigns.

"Earth is where Tritanus gets the toxins he needs." Flora stated. "If we attack pollution on Earth, we will be attacking the real source of his power."

I exchanged glances with Haru. 'Smart'. I took a step forward, joining Flora's side as the girls did the same. "Flora speaks for all of us, we, the Guardian Fairies of your planets urge you to launch a united attack on the source of Tritanus his power, Earth's polluted oceans." I was interrupted when the water started bubbling of the pool that lead to the ocean of Aalto.

Nereus frowned, on guard along with everyone else. "Something is coming." A Selkie appeared out of the water. "Phylla?"

"Winx, Earth needs your help!" Phylla cried, desperately.

"What's going on Phylla?" I questioned as I ran closer to Phylla, the girls following behind me. 

"Evil pollution is filling the waters of Paradise Bay!" Phylla exclaimed. "It's Tritanus!"

Sky clenched his fist, his eyes filled with determination. "Tritanus is a threat to all of us and we must act together."

"I agree!" Everyone chanted. 

"We have to stop him!" Sky continued. "Now and I volunteer!"

"You make me very proud my son." King Erendor praised. "You are a credit to Eraklyon."

"I move that we immediately assemble a force to attack Trtianus on Earth." My father agreed. "Led by Prince Sky of Eraklyon, all in favor!"

"But that's crazy!" Diaspro protested making me roll my eyes in annoyance. "It's too dangerous, why should my Prince risk his life to save some polluted puddle on Earth, send somebody else!"

"Diaspro." The King glared at her. "You are wrong, Sky will do his duty."

"Nothing is going to stop me." Sky snapped at Diaspro. 

"You're a disgrace." King Erendor took Diaspro's golden pin. "I relieve you of duty."

"It's not fair!" Diaspro yelled, she pointed accusingly at Bloom. "This is your fault Bloom, you always ruin everything for me!" 

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