Chapter 22.

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               ☾*✲⋆.✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


We all started to back away and I even thought it was a good idea to look over my shoulder to see us barely standing on the edge of the cliff, about to meet our downfall. I immediately turned back to the monsters.

"By my count, we'll have to take about ten monsters apiece." Tecna analyzed and I raised an eyebrow at her, wondering how we are going to be able to even defeat one with the state we were in.

"Uh.." Bloom trailed off, unsure. "Ten is not that bad?"

"Yeah, if we had our powers." I pointed out and Bloom flashed me a sheepish smile.

"All of you that have your Charmix." Flora sighed, speaking up. "You should fly out of here and save yourself." 

"No!" I protested immediately, flashing Flora look of disbelief at the way she was thinking. "No way!"

Stella nodded in agreement. "Fairies don't abandon their friends!"

"We won't leave you either!" Yuki added making me smile slightly.

"All for one means Pixies too you know." Amore pointed out immediately, a look of determination on her small face.

"Hold on, I got a really good idea." Timmy spoke up, his expression brightening with hope and I was starting to get hopeful too. "Riven knows the way out of these invisible traps, right?"

"And the monsters don't.." I concluded, my eyes widening in realization and seems like my friends realized too.

"That could work." Tecna smiled happily and gave her boyfriend a thumbs up.

"Follow me!" Riven started running and we wasted no time in running after him.

"Charliehorse to poetman, code 19." Timmy yelled in his gadget.

"Timmy!" Tecna shouted, seemingly frustrated that Timmy is wasting time with one of his gadgets. "There's no time for gadgets, come on hurry!"

We ran towards where the Witches wanted us. "Okay listen up, if we make our way to the center areas of the traps without tripping any, the monsters will chase us and get caught in the nets, so lets split up and make our stand over there, over there, over there and over there!"

I took a step forward and exchanged glances with my friends before all of us ran through the trap, a monster followed me right into the trap making me smile, the monster triggered the trap and got stuck in the net. "Got one!"

"Got one over here too!" Musa yelled, waving over to where she got a monster trapped.

"Here comes the big guy!" Layla shouted as a Herbasaur stepped on the trap getting stuck in the net as well.

Riven smirked at his friend. "Timmy, you're a genius!" 

"Trapped in their own traps." Musa grinned. "This rocks!" 

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