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A/N: Sorry guys, fixing some spelling errors and some slight tweaks.


The land was destroyed, bodies littered the field of both friends and foes. The smoky haze still hovered over as the aftermath of the great battle. The shinobi on the victor's side were cheering, laughing, or crying for their loved ones. A single figure in the middle of the field kneeling as she took ragged breaths, staring at the ground, keeping herself steady with a black and orange hilted blade.

It was finally over. But at what cost?

So many lives lost in the hands of the enemy, all just for the greed of power. Just to gain control of the nine-tailed fox? History had repeated itself for the third time. Will the next generation suffer the same fate?

The lone figure rose from the ground and stared up to the sky. The stars were slowly fading as the sun started to rise and the moon disappearing. Tears streamed down the pale skin marked by cat-whiskers birthmarks, the long black hair fluttering through the wind. The last of the golden glow she was emitting had finally dulled out and the black lines that crossed her arms receded back into the diamond on her forehead. Her violet eyes showed nothing but devastation in them. It is said that her eyes were like that of her great grandmother, but they did not hold the fierceness they were rumored to posses.

The once radiant young shinobi stood there, devastated at the chaos of the recent events. No longer did she have her usual smile of determination or the caring eyes that shined with passion. Now her eyes were dull and her expression emotionless, no longer knowing what to feel.

She momentarily went into a coughing fit to which she covered with her hand. Pulling her hand away, she saw the blood on it and quickly wiped it away. She knew her body wasn't quite ready to handle that state yet, but what choice did she have? The spirit inside her was nagging at her for not heeding her warning, but she had to ignore him for now.

She dried the last of her tears on her face and proceeded to walk to the once-standing foe that laid sprawled on the ground. He was barely moving as his body was broken and bleeding the last drops of his blood, but his eyes were trained on the young Kunoichi. A tantalizing smirk crept up his bloody and beaten face.

"I did not succeed today. But mark my words, there will always be others. One day, someone will get that beast. The day they do will be the demise of you all. Especially you, Akira Uzamaki," he spat with his last breaths.

Soon the lights dimmed in his eyes too and the man was no more.

Akira was against killing if she could help it and held compassion for others like her grandfather, the seventh Hokage, and her father before her. But like her other grandfather, she learned to do what she must and to think rationally. But at the moment, she was drowning in sorrow. The majority of the family was gone along with her teammates and many of her friends. All in the hand of the enemy in order to protect the power that resided in her. The ones who did survive were severely injured to the point of no going back. She took one last look at the man who caused her village so much pain and left to help the injured.

She blamed herself for the bloodbath. She just wanted to live the life of a great kunoichi who protects the people she loved. She did not want it the other way around where they protected her. Though they did it out of love and loyalty for their comrade in order to keep her safe, but in her eyes, it was not worth it. Despite her heritage, she was special, to be the granddaughter of the original team 7 as well as inherit the nine-tailed Kyuubi, the top ninja and healer in the nations. Yes, she was special indeed, but she didn't want to be.

The backlash of the battle was catching up to her as more blood started to spew out of her mouth and her eyes began to close. She finally fell over, passing out from the overexertion which her body is not yet able to handle. A team of med-ninjas rush to assist her.

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