Chapter 7: Welcome to Happy Harbor

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Chapter 7: Welcome to Happy Harbor

Watchtower; July 17th, 19:27 EDT:

3rd POV:

Batman was found yet again at the computer of the Watchtower, typing away. He pulled up the security feed from Mount Justice and checked to see what the members were doing. He sees the female martian floating around the kitchen cooking. Superboy is nowhere to be seen, most likely in his room. Before he checks up on the third occupant of the mountain, someone interrupts the silence.

"You know, you're gonna have to give them a mission soon," Black Canary says as she enters the room.

Not sparing a glance or even a pause for the new occupant, he continues to type on. "They will receive one when I find one that doesn't get them killed. They need to learn to be patient if they want to show us they are ready to handle themselves."

Canary sighed at this. She agreed with the assembling of the team after much debate, but still didn't like the idea of using these young heroes as spies for the League. It was a better choice than having them run off to do their own thing, like Roy.

"Well, we have to do something soon. We have to show them that we take them seriously and that they should take their team seriously as well. They aren't just going to sit idly waiting for an assignment. They might start going out on their own. We should do something to make them feel more like a team."

"Not all of them are waiting."

He pulls up footage of Kitsu using the training area. They watched closely as she stands in the middle of the practice room with a bin of tennis balls next to her. She ties a blindfold over her visor and hood, obscuring her sight. She feels around for the bin of tennis balls. Finding the bin and grabbing a fuzzy ball, she throws the ball as hard as she dares. The ball ricochets around the room with great speed. Kitsu waits, listening to her surroundings before she pivots herself and throws a shrunken. Letting it get sticked to the wall. Kitsu repeats the process. Adding more balls to the mix every once in a while, making the task even more difficult. But she showed no signs of struggle.

"When Kitsu isn't at the watchtower or on patrol, he spends the majority of his time training. So far, he is the only one who has shown any interest in improving and taking advantage of what the facility has to offer."

Canary was glad someone was taking the circumstance seriously. Kitsu was always a distant one but was glad to see that the young hero is trying her best.

"Kitsu is silent, however very skilled."

Batman pulls up the feed from about a week and a half ago from the time the team met and were fighting one another.

"Not only was he able to hold his own ground against all five of them at once, but there were no wasted movements as he maneuvered himself with such experience that can only be acquired from years of fighting experience. Not even a moments of hesitation. The most startling part about the whole encounter is that he seems to be holding back."

"And he's only just a kid," Canary finishes his forethought. "From the time we spent with him, not only is he cold and distant, it's like a shielding mechanism. It seems almost unnatural for him as he seems to try and push others away on purpose. It's most likely due to some sort of recent traumatic event.

"Now that he displayed some of his abilities, you're more worried about the lack of parental guidance that he has that can make him susceptible to others outside of the League like the League of Shadows or Luther if they were to find out his true identity. So far, he has been able to keep himself hidden from the world. He is a mere myth to the public in Japan. But he is more likely to be exposed to our enemies when he goes on these covert missions," Canary concluded, the phycology degree being put to use.

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