Chapter 6: New team

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Chapter 6: New team

Watchtower: July 3rd, 18:39 EST :

Batman's POV:

After Kitsu teleported out of here, I immediately sent out a transmission out to the league. The majority of the members picked up the call.

"League, Kitsu had just left for his retreat. It is unknown how long it will be until his return. In the meantime, let us try to keep injuries to a minimum."

"He left already?" Black Canary and Green Arrow asked at the same time. "Man, I was hoping he could meet Roy. They would both hit it off with their angsty-teen demeanor." Oliver joked. Canary smacked him in the back of his head.

"I think he might scare the crap out of Wally when they meet." Barry laughs.

"That is quite unfortunate. I was hoping Kaldur could help with opening Kitsu to us."

To be honest, I was hoping Kitsu would also meet the proteges as well. If he were to meet people close to his age, it would give him a chance to open up. It's been almost five months since we have known him. Though he does a superb job as our doctor, we still don't really know anything about him. Knowing Dick, he might be able to befriend and get the kid to open up to others.

Over the time that we have worked with him, I've picked up on very subtle yet interesting details about him. Any sort of loud noises, he tends to tense as if ready to fight at a moment's notice. When he walks into a room, he seems to scan the room for all possible escape routes. And anytime we ask personal questions, he would divert the conversation back to something medically related to the person. What happened to him? What makes him so paranoid?

"I shall see you all at the Hall of Justice tomorrow," I ended the call and got ready to head back to the Cave.

Two days later

July 5th, 21:03 EST:

3rd POV:

After the Cadmus incident, the league had an emergency meeting to discuss the fate of the proteges. The League was sitting at a U-shaped table. They were reevaluating the security clips that they were able to get from Cadmus.

"What are we going to do about them? If we don't do something, they will run off like Speedy. We already have two unsupervised underage heroes, we don't need more in danger," states Captain Atom.

"At least Kitsu checks in with us. Well, until he left for his retreat. But Roy is off the grid now," Green Arrow sighs as he pinches between his eyes.

"And what of the clone? He doesn't deserve to be locked up," Martian Manhunter spoke.

Superman looked down deep in thought of those words.

"I have a proposition," Batman interrupts their bickering. Everyone turns to him.

"I suggest we start a team consisting of all the proteges. They can start working together on missions that we assign them to. They can go on covert operations for the League."

"Are you suggesting we use these children as spies?" Canary asks.

"The villains are getting smarter as proven last night. By putting the small team of proteges together, they can operate out of the spotlight of the eyes of the world. As they are not as targeted like we are, they can easily operate in the shadows without having their movements tracked. Additionally, this will teach them to work together. We can't be doing this forever, we can only carry the fight for so long. Our proteges will eventually have to carry the mantle. So they need to be able to work together now for them to work together in the future." Batman finishes.

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