Chapter 38: Patrol

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Chapter 38: Patrol

A insane laughter filled the green tinged room as Joker spun around in vile content. "Looky looky what I got on my hooky!" He cackled, pressing a button on the remote. A chain was cranked into the air. On the other end was a scared looking kunoichi strung up on the other side. Her hands tied above her head as she dangled freely.

She wasn't wearing her usual gear, but instead was in a simple white dress and her hair swayed freely. "Someone! Help me!" Akira cried out in terror.

"I'll save you!" A new voice called out, catching both of their attention.

"Robin!" Akira said hopefully.

Robin stood a top of the rafters with his hands confidently on his hips. "Fear not, my lady. I have come to rescue you!" He smiled down at the tied up girl.

"I'm saved," she exclaimed.

"Not if I have anything to say about that," Joker sneered, snapping his fingers. Two clown-looking goons emerged with their faces painted in white happy face paint. "Have at him, boys!"

Robing leapt off the rafters and landed on the first one, knocking him out. The second one charged at him with a punch. Catching it easily, he picked up the goon and sent him flying into the first one as they collided with a nasty crunch. "He's too strong, boss!" They groaned in unison.

"Oh no!" Joker cried. "Whatever shall I do?" He began to tremble

"How about you go-" Robin reeled back before sending a punch. "-feel the dis?"

The punch landed and Joker went flying back from the impact before slamming into a wall. "Robin is too powerful," he groaned before slumping unconscious.

"Totally aster," Robin smirked as he took out a birdarang and threw it at the chain.

Akira let out a yelp as she began to free fall from the broken chain. But Robin was already positioned underneath her as he caught her easily in his arms. She beamed at him widely. "My hero," she swooned.

She went in to kiss him, to which he was ready to accept. Suddenly, Akira was yanked out of his possession as she was dragged into the shadows screaming. "ROBIN!"

"AKIRA!" He yelled for her as he followed her into the shadow.

When he reemerged into the light, he had to stop himself as he almost fell off the platform. The crowd cheered below him in wonder as they starred up at the sky.

Dick starred down at himself and found that he was no longer in his Robin Uniform, but in his performance leotard that he had used to wear all those years ago.

He remembered this scene very well, and it never ended happily. He starred at the trapeze artist flying freely threw the air as they performed crazy stunts. "Fly, my Robin," the woman called out to him.


When he looked down again, he gasped as he no longer saw the crowd below him, but a dark, empty abyss. The sounds of whispering chattered below him. The next thing he knew, the platform had disappeared from underneath him; free falling into the darkness.

He tried to scream, but he was drowned out by the constant chatter that grew louder the further he fell.

"It's the sidekicks!"

"Little Boy Wonder? More like boy blunder!"

"Wee little Robin."

"Robin? He's a kid!"

"How can they let a child fight?"

"You're too young."

"This is a League matter."

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