Chapter 35: Reconcile

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Chapter 35: Reconcile:

Martha Concert Hall, Gotham City, 29:36 EST:

Dick grit his teeth. "Penguin."

Said Rogue waltzed through the main entrance doors as two thugs flanked him. The stubby man had a snarky grin under his beaked nose. "How hawking," he punned, swinging around his cane.

All the heroes resisted the urge to groan at the poor puns the Rogue insisted upon.

"What do you want, Cobblepot?" Bruce Wayne stood bravely among the masses as he kept his composure.

"Why, to obviously flaunt my feathers." The Penguin sarcastically remarked as he sneered at Gotham's prince. "But I'm not be the guest of honor, but I heard there's a lucky duck here that is."

Akira's eyes widened as her mind instantly clicked. At the same time, so did Dick's as he pulled her a bit closer to try and shield her from view. But it was too late as a thug came up to them. "Found her!"

Dick was kicked in the face as Akira was yanked to her feet into the clasp of the bullish thug. "Richard!" She cried out, worried that he was injured as she struggled against the thugs grasp; hating that she couldn't overcome him without suspicion.

"Akira!" Dick cried out as he tried to get back onto his feet, but another thug came from behind and kicked him from his side.

"Looks like we found our prized egg," Penguin grinned viciously as he snapped his fingers, ordering his men to bring her up to him.

"Let her go!" Oliver growled, Dinah just as furious by his side.

Dick was able to finally get up onto his feet and attempt to make his way to the girl, but he was caught and subdued by the thugs as they held his arms behind his back. Dick hated acting like a civilian, he could easily take these guys out.

"And it looks like we hit jackpot," Penguin took notice of the struggling teen's presence. "Ward of Gotham Royalty. Two yolks for one. We'll take him too."

Akira and Dick were hauled behind the criminal for everyone to see. They had bound her hands and taped her mouth shut quickly, doing the same to Grayson. The only thing she could worry about was the safety of Dick's life while he worried for hers.

Cobblepot approached the two, but he eyed the girl more thoroughly. This sent a disgusting chill down Akira's spine as his eyes traveled down her body. An unspoken glint formed in his eyes.

Though the team and the few League members were out of view as they waited on orders to proceed, anger rushed over them as they observed the interaction. Akira was someone who was independent, but she was still young in their eyes. A friend, little sister, a kid. They did not like the way that Penguin was looking at her. 

"What do you want Oswald?" Bruce kept a calm manner, but he was angry.

"I heard you got some close connections with the Bat," the bird man spat. "$100 million dollars for each kid, and Batman's head on a silver platter."

Akira couldn't help but sense there were more to the man's intentions than just a vendetta gains Batman and a quick money grab. There had to be something a bit more than that.

But she didn't have the chance to further explore the thought as he suddenly choked up his grip on his cane and took a following that bashed Dick right across the face, knocking him out cold as his eyes rolled up to his head. Akira cried out in terror for the boy while everyone else gasped/cried out in fear. Bruce gritted his teeth. "If any other masked dinky decides to show up other than just Batman himself, I'll ruffle these kiddies feathers."

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