Chapter 3: Enter Kitsu

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Chapter 3: Enter Kitsu

Watchtower; February 11th, 07:26 EST:

3rd POV:

Akira woke up in a daze, then immediately sprang up with her kunai out. It took her a moment to remember where she was before she lowered her weapon. She still marveled over the events that took place yesterday. Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she got out of bed and got ready for the day.

Once she was cleaned, dressed, and prepped her gear, she left her room. She thought about exploring the watchtower, but she didn't want to get lost or in trouble. She didn't need another reason to be closely watched.

She knew that Batman didn't press further because he didn't want to scare her off. But she knew he wanted to keep an eye on her. It was easier to just let them keep an eye on her than to put in the effort to try and hide.

As she was walking down the hall she felt a presence speeding towards her. She quickly turned around to see a red blur speeding at her. Instinctively, she quickly dodged out of the way, narrowly missing the fast-moving projectile. But the projectile soon came to a stop, it wasn't a projectile at all. It was a man in a red and yellow suit with a lightning bolt crest. The Flash.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?!" the Flash yelled.

Akira stayed silent, she had little to no idea what he had just said.

He brought his hand to his ear and requested backup. While he was distracted, she teleported to her kunai that was left in the computer room, leaving a very confused speedster. But only found herself in a situation worse than before.

Great, just my luck. In the room were two other Leaguers. The space hero: Green Lantern and big boy in blue: Superman. They just receive the request for backup by the Flash, but they did not expect to see the intruder appear out of nowhere. They did not hesitate to lunge at her.

Shit, thought the shinobi.

Meanwhile in the Batcave:

It was a Sunday, so Bruce didn't have any business affairs today. When he arrived back, Dick was already asleep from the patrol. He was currently down at the cave trying to find any information about a young teen of Japanese ethnicity who went missing or their parents were found dead. So far, no one fit the description.

He was about to wrap up his search as it seems he won't be able to find any information about the strange child and head to the Watchtower when he received an urgent transmission.

He opened the line, "What is it?" He can hear a commotion in the background. He sees Black Canary on the screen.

"Batman, we have an intruder in the tower!" Canary said urgently.

"Acknowledge, on the way."

He ended the line and smirked to himself. He called a meeting for this morning and may have forgotten to tell the rest of the League about their guest. He wanted to see what the kid could do. What better way than to pretend he forgot to tell the rest of the League of their new doctor and cause miscommunication.

He quickly slid his cowl on and headed to the zeta tube. When he arrived at the tower, it was chaos. Everyone was running around. No one had paid attention to his arrival.


"East wing cleared. Rechecking the north wing."

"No sign in the hangar either."

Everyone was running about the watchtower in search of the young assailant. And for some reason, Hal was propped up by the computer, unmoving but cursed nonstop. Bruce made his way to Superman when the man in blue finally spotted him.

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