Chapter 11: Denial

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Chapter 11: Denial

Mount justice: August 19th, 19:39 EDT

Akira POV:

The last mission was interesting. Growing up in the Shinobi world, it was nothing abnormal when dealing with the League of Shadow. In fact, it was kinda disappointing. Though their fighting skills were proficient enough, compared to the shinobi's back at home, they were no challenge due to their lack of abilities. But hand to hand was no joke for that matter. Especially the one with the alias, Cheshire. She was an interesting individual. Very skilled and had decent speed. Though, the aura her chakra gave off was similar to that of Artemis.

Speaking of, she seemed to be fitting in well with the team, with the exception of Wally. But, that's just Wally. Other than that, she seems to be very skilled. Kami knows we needed a long-range fighter, my kunais and shurikens can take some mercy. Though she can be a bit too eager to prove herself, I have no problems with her. If Oliver and the rest of the League approve of her attendance on the team, then I don't mind. She doesn't seem to hold any ill intentions other than her own private matters.

Right now, the majority of the team were in their civies in the main room of the cave. Superboy, Kaldur, and I are having a two-on-one spar. Them against me. It was just Superboy and me earlier. I was dodging an attack when I landed in between the two towering teens.



Superboy was watching static on the television while M'ghann was in the kitchen. I walked up to Superboy. When I was next to him, he finally took notice of my presence. I think the team is finally used to my silence now with the exception of Artemis as they don't get as jumpy anymore.

"You need something?" Superboy huffed, turning his attention back to the screen.

"Want to train? I can teach you how to silently move. You can practice the moves Canary taught you. " I offered.

Superboy looked at me surprised. I guess he had the right to, I rarely involve myself in social interactions unless it's required of me. However, Superboy's fighting skills were still in need of work for a covert team. Plus, it was extra training for me. I need to get stronger.

"What's in it for you?" He asks suspiciously.

"Your improvement. And I need practice with strength-based opponents."

I turned to leave the room. Soon after, Superboy followed.

For about two hours, I was teaching him a more silent form of fighting while incorporating Canary's training for him to adapt to. I also tried to teach him how to move more quietly as well. It was difficult, but he was a fast learner. Soon we were having an all-out spar until Kaldur joined us.


The two charged at me both with fists at ready. Before they could land their hit, I leaped to the air and put my hands atop both their heads. Then thrusting the skulls together to make a dull thunk sound, I landed behind them as they both stumbled to the ground with the words, Fail, by their bodies. Kaldur groaned on the floor.

In the background, I can hear the girls groaning their condolences for the boys while Wally is laughing with his mouth full of his burrito.

I walked over to Kaldur first and held out a hand.

"You alright?" I asked as I helped him sit up. I searched for any injuries. There wasn't any but I just healed the area either way so he didn't have to deal with the bruise.

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