Chapter 26

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Third Person POV:
    Nico knew there would be pain, even expected it. But he'd hoped, since it was Will, it wouldn't hurt as much.
But it did. God, it did. It hurt like hell. More than he remembered. But he didn't say a word. He didn't make a sound, because Will was finally feeding, so he would endure it. But it wasnt easy. It kept getting worse; the pain feeling like it was all over, instead of just his wrist. It felt like he was burning and it just kept getting worse.

  He didn't know when, but he must have done something to get Will's attention because the vampire sat back, his fangs pulling from the humans wrist.
The human didn't notice he'd been crying till Will's thumb swiped across his cheek to catch a falling tear.

"Why didn't you tell me it hurt?" He asked with a frown, his anger clearly directed at himself, but it didn't make Nico feel any calmer. Especially when he was being pinned down by the red eyes he'd never get used to.

"I- I didn't - I just wanted you to feed. It didn't hurt that bad." He explained frantically. Will was fine so far, which meant he had been right and his blood was working. Will hadn't had enough yet and if he kept thinking that he'd been hurting him, he wouldn't want to take any more.

"Don't lie to me. You were supposed to tell me. I have no idea what I'm doing. How am I supposed to make sure you're okay if you don't tell me? I don't want to be like them!"

So that's what this was about.

"It doesn't matter how much it hurts. Nothing would make me think you're like them. You're nothing like him."

That should have calmed the prince's nerves a bit, but it didnt do much. There might have been a difference, but it didn't justify him hurting his mate. Even if it meant he'd have to find other ways to feed.

"You can still feed from me. I can take it." The vampire looked at his mate incredulously.

"No." He was never doing that again. No matter how much he wanted to. Even if he could still remember how euphoric it felt to taste him. How it already felt like a drug he was having withdrawal from. He knew he'd go mad if he never got to have that feeling again. But not like that. Not when his angel had been suffering the whole time. Like he hadn't suffered enough.

"Please. You need it. You know you do. Isn't there a way to make it so it doesn't hurt? Luke- He said there is."

There was. Will knew that much. What he didn't know, however, was how it worked. He was very new to the whole feeding off humans thing and they didn't cover things like this in his classes. Sword fighting, in the twenty first century, why not? Life skills, not so much.

He didn't know what to do, and he told Nico as much. Because his stubborn mate wouldn't listen to reason.

"At least try. I'll tell you if it hurts this time. I swear I will." Did Will believe him? Not a bit. But he was willing to try, even if it was for purely selfish reasons. He would watch though. It his mate showed even the smallest signs of being in pain, he would stop and get Asclepius to think of something else.

"Fine." He conceded. "But if it doesn't work, never again, okay?" His strange human of a mate nodded with a rather bothersome amount of enthusiasm.

So Will took his wrist again, the same one, because there was no point having both Nico's wrists hurt. He tried to remember everything he'd ever read about feeding off humans. There was a lot, but nothing struck as useful.

"Will, I'll be fine. And if I'm not, I'll tell you. But there's not point in not trying." The human reasoned, thinking the vampire was about to change his mind but was proven wrong when the prince bit into his wrist again.

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