Chapter 5

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I've been tortured for four days. For some reason, one of them keeps count.
I'm covered in cuts, bruises and burns. Everywhere.
My shirt is in pieces somewhere and there's blood all over the floor. All of it mine.

I've been stabbed, beaten, burnt with cigarettes...but they always stop when I'm on the brink of death. I really wish they wouldn't. I've had enough.
But they don't stop.
I hear the door open. They're back.
I'd try to move, at least to stall for a while. But moving hurts too much.
One of them comes up to me.
"The boss says you're making too much noise, so...." He brings out a gag.
"No, "I whimper. I've resorted to pleading, I just can't take anymore.
" Please, no"
He laughs, like the sadistic ass he is,
"I don't exactly recall asking, "
Another one grabs me by the neck, like I can even try to struggle, while he gags me.
"We've got a present for you, "
That never ends well. Last time they said that, it was a branding iron.
He is handed a whip.
"We're going to have a lot of fun"

I scream louder, or at least try to, through the gag as the whip hits me again.
"Poor helpless human."
"Simply pathetic"
"You'd think he'd put up more of a fight,"
They release my chains, making them longer, and I fall to the floor.
"Don't worry, we'll be back soon, " One of them says as they leave.

I groan as I try to remove the blade lodged in my thigh with my bound hands, agitating the deep long gash in my arm.
They tied it up with pieces of my own shirt, saying they can't have me dying on them just yet.

The day after, for the first time, Luke comes in.
Can't say I'm happy to see him. "You look much better this way, " He says noting the visible wounds that cover my arms and chest.
"I think my men have had enough fun." He says as he runs a knife down my chest, reopening several wounds.
He runs a hand up my arm to my neck.
"I see they obeyed my orders. They didn't touch you."
What the... are you blind, they touched me plenty. Was what I would have said, if I didn't know that would get me into more trouble.
"I don't want them to touch you. I want you all to myself."
He moves his hand farther up my neck to my jaw and holds it in place.
"What are yo-"
I didn't even finish my sentence, before he tilts my head and bites into me. Hard.

It hurts so much. I couldn't hold in a loud scream. Unfortunately, that just made him wrap a hand around my throat and bite down harder.
I could feel it, the blood being pulled out of my body. I jerk and try to struggle out of his grip, but he holds me in place by pressing down on my windpipe.

I can hardly hold myself up.
The pain never lessens, but he just bites harder or squeezed my throat if I make an sound.
Then I my vision starts to blur. Maybe I might actually die. But I feel his teeth leave my neck before I pass out.

Just The Beginning... (Solangelo)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin