Chapter 31

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Third Person POV:

They were both panting. The sounds the two of them made were the only ones that could be heard in the otherwise quiet room. They were sweating as well, from exertion as well as the heat. Will was exhausted. They’d been at it for a while, more than a few hours; and at this point he’d give anything for a break. To stop altogether, even. But he couldn’t, not now. Not yet.

“Pay attention!”

He only just managed to dodge the fist that was aimed right for his face. He pinned his instructor with a glare, even though he knew it would get him nowhere.

“We’ll be here an extra hour if you keep slacking. You’re barely keeping up,” the man scolded. Will rolled his eyes at the statement, then launched a combo of attacks, ending in a kick that landed the man on his ass. A lot harder that Will had been going for too.

His training had never really been challenging, but for the past few weeks, they’d been bordering on plain boring. Too easy no matter how much they upped the difficulty. He was sparring with his father’s best men and it still felt like he was barely trying.

“I think I’m keeping up just fine. Can I leave now? I’m hungry.” He moved to grab the towel that hung on a nearby peg, as well as his shirt. “You’ve kept me here an extra two hours already.” And Nico would wake up anytime soon, if he hadn’t already. The boy had never liked waking up alone, and he wasn’t any fonder of it during his heat.

“You’re always hungry lately. Guess you finally figured what you were missing after taking a bloodslave,” The man smirked, looking at Will like he was expecting him to agree. Will didn’t even bother to look back at him, let alone grace his statement with a response.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said instead, walking out of the large doors that led to the training room. Once he was outside, he began to walk much faster. He couldn’t feel anything that indicated Nico was awake, but that just meant he needed to hurry before the boy actually woke up. He still made a quick stop to the kitchen though, to notify them to have Nico’s food delivered to his room in a few hours.

Getting to his room, he immediately made his way to the bed. His clothes were gone before he even reached the bed; something he’d began to get used to after his mate had made it known that he didn’t appreciate Will being clothed while they were together during his heat.

The boy in question was still asleep, blankets thrown off and sweating even though the room was on the colder side. But Will knew by now not to try to fix anything. Nico would wake up if he tried, and he wasn’t about to sabotage the few moments of rest the boy managed to squeeze in during waves of his heat. So very carefully he crawled into bed and let Nico wrap himself around him on his own, then he too was out like a light.

It wasn’t very long before Will was awake again. At least it didn’t feel like very long. Realistically, it had probably already been a couple of hours, but it felt like it was just minutes ago he closed his eyes.

He woke up a bit disoriented, wondering for a second what had woken him. It didn’t take him very long to find out though, as his eyes focused and met the always appreciated view of his mate in his lap, straddling him. Any other time, he wouldn’t complain. But right now, he was exhausted. And if he tried to give Nico what he wanted, he might actually pass out. He was about to tell Nico just that when is mate whined,

“Please… It-it hurts.” He pressed his hips down harder, trying to find some sort of relief, and already knowing from experience that it wouldn’t work.

Will was hoping he wouldn’t wake up for a while yet, then he could feed him before the next wave hit. But his timing seemed to be a bit off.

He grabbed Nico by his hips and spun him so that they were both on their sides, Nico’s head tucked into his chest. One of his hands moved downward and the other moved behind. He was trying not to get aroused himself, not having the energy for that right now, but the sounds his mate was letting out due to the combined sensations were making his mission a lot harder.

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