Chapter 11

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A/N:  I know, I know, I'm the largest asshole in the history of assholes, and whatnot. Anywhore... Important stuff.

Will's POV:
  I head down to the clinic, practically blind with rage. I'm not sure if I'm mad at Cecil for telling me I probably can't control myself right now, or because he may be right. I've never felt like this before; the hunger, the need for...something. Problem is, I don't know what it is. And that fact is beyond annoying.

   As I near the clinic the same scent I got at the cave returns, but this time it's stronger, more concentrated. I could almost taste it. When I reach the doors, I realize Lou-Ellen and Cecil are behind me, Lou yelling for me not to go in. I ignore her and walk in anyway.

   The main room is empty so I walk further to get directions to the boy's room. Asclepius' office is empty, so I decide to follow his scent. It leads me to the ICU which makes me worry. How much did he get hurt? I stop in front of a door where both the boy's and Asclepius' scent are, and, despite my impatience, push it open slowly. I wouldn't want to scare him or anything. Lou and Cecil reach me just as I enter the room, both of them silent.

   I scan the ward quickly, before I notice Asclepius bent over something, or, more accurately, someone. I rush over, and see what I assume pure beauty would look like, personified. The boy lay, asleep on the bed, dark hair fanning his face. He looked frail, weak, like he hadn't had a decent meal in a while, and considering he'd been captured by rogues ,I'm assuming that's the case. My eyes trail down from his face to his bandaged neck, to his partially covered chest. He had scars, several of them from what little I could see of him and it made me furious. What soulless bastard would do this to him, to anyone. As I thought of ways to slowly kill whoever is responsible for this,  I remember I'm not alone.

    I turn to see all three of them watching me intently. Asclepius, with mild curiosity, Lou and Cecil with a hint of fear. I look at them questioningly, Cecil avoids my gaze. Lou-Ellen just shrugs. I look away from them and back to the boy. I reach out slowly, and run my hand along his face, my fingers lightly grazing his cold pale skin. His temperature worries me. From what I know about humans, they shouldn't be this cold, shouldn't be this pale and I'm sure his lips aren't supposed to be blue.

"Is he Okay? " I ask, finally noticing the myriad of machines surrounding him.
"Is he cold? He looks cold.  Why aren't there thicker blankets in here?"
"William, calm down. There is nothing wrong with the temperature. He's just lost a lot of blood."

"So what with all the..." I trail off, gesturing at the gadgets filling the room.
"Well," he starts, "The extreme blood loss is one factor, as well as malnutrition so his body needs the extra help." I nod, thinking he's done but he continues.

"Since he's going to be comatose for at least a few weeks, maybe even a month or two, he should have enough time to recuperate. "
"Oh, Okay....wait, what?"  I turn to him, my brain only just registering his words.
"Comatose?  Why is he in a coma?! And for a whole month? I thought you said nothing was wrong with him!"
"Calm yourself, William. There is nothing wrong with the boy. But his already weak state combined with the Belladonna elixir administered by Cecil made his body, well, shut down so to speak. He will not awaken for quite a while."

I pause for a moment to analyze everything Asclepius just said.
The Belladonna Elixir, an extremely powerful sedative, created by Asclepius himself. The main ingredient, petals of the Belladonna flower, poisonous if you take the wrong dosage. Also causes hallucination.
Combined with the other ingredients, it creates a potion strong enough weaken vampires, and should only be used on humans in situations of emergency.

The boy was given Belladonna...

In this state...

By Cecil...

"You did what?!"

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