Chapter 15

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Will’s POV:

       I was pacing the room, probably unnerving everyone in it. I wasn’t really thinking of anything, which went against my earlier plan of committing mass murder. Instead, I was trying my best not to think. I’d began my plot for rogue massacre before I’d realized that if I did my plotting here, I’d end up hurting someone, especially him. My mind kept wandering back to the boy; everything they did to him, and everything he’d been through for heaven knows how long. And that’s just the ones I know about. I was trying to stay calm, but the chair that lay broken in the corner, having been thrown across the room by yours truly, said I wasn’t doing a very good job.

I wondered for the millionth time, why exactly I was reacting like this. I had a need to be near this boy, this… human that I still didn’t understand. It was like an itch I couldn’t scratch; it’s right there, bothering you, but you couldn’t do a thing about it. It wasn’t the first time rogues would take a human from our territories; once they’re taken no one bothers looking for them, if they were out of the coven’s defense then it was their fault in the first place. Everyone thinks they’re expendable. Just get a new bloodslave. Simple. I can’t help but feel sorry for them. But that’s all I can do. Father would be furious if I did any more. But I’ve never felt more that sympathy, I’ve never felt the burning desire to decapitate a person I hadn’t even met. I wanted to protect him from everything. I knew that if Cecil or Lou tried to hurt him, even though we’ve known each other for years, I would attack without hesitating. And that was just intuition. It scared me that I would be willing to hurt my best friends, and already had, for a human boy whose name I didn’t even know.

“Okay, this is ridiculous!” I finally spoke up, startling Lou and Cecil to attention. Asclepius just stared at me, a brow raised.

“What’s ridiculous?”

   I looked at Lou, then frowned. I couldn’t think of a way to word it without sounding completely off my rockers. Well, you see Lou, I seem to have developed an unexplainable infatuation with the boy you kidnapped from being kidnapped and feel the need to inflict bodily harm on anyone who hurts him or comes within a five-foot radius of him. I also really want to drink his blood, which contradicts everything I just said, but you know...
Yeah, no.

“That’s the problem. I don’t know. And it’s all his fault.” I say at last, pointing at the now sleeping boy like an accusing 5-year-old.
Everyone looked confused, to say the least. In my defense, how was I supposed to explain something I didn’t understand either.  I ran a hand through my hair in frustration.
“It’s like,” I started, beginning to pace again, “He makes me feel things.” Well that ought to clear thing up, Will. Nice job.
“Whoa, Will’s got a crush.” I stop my pacing again to glare at Cecil.
“It’s not a crush.”
“Then what is it?”
“I already told you I. Don’t. Know. There’s a lot of protectiveness for one thing. I know that.”
“Yeah, we all know that.” Cecil comments rubbing gingerly at his neck.
I apologize again but Cecil waves it off.
“No worries, man. Besides, I kinda deserved it. Now back to your crush.” I was about to protest but decided to let it go.
“There’s the protectiveness, and then the scent. It’s so…so… tempting. Like I could get high off the scent alone. I know the smell of human blood, but this is a whole other level.” I try my best to describe the scent that’s practically been scrambling my brains for the past couple hours now.
“Seriously?” Lou questions. “I’ve never ever seen you look at human blood twice. Not even when your Father had a couple girls ambush you in your bedroom to ‘tempt’ you into drinking their blood.” I shudder at the memory. I was fifteen. That encounter left me traumatized for life. Gross.

But she had a point. I don’t drink human blood. Never have, never wanted to. I even had them make blood bags of animal blood for when I couldn’t hunt. I was the vampire definition of a vegetarian.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” I sighed, sitting on the floor, since I’d already broken my chair.


Third person’s POV:
The other three in the room watched as Will sat on the floor, his hands going over his face before moving into his hair and messing it up more. They’d never seen him this distressed, and over a random human no less. It bothered them all to see the usual ball of sunshine this troubled.

“I don’t know what this is, I don’t know why it’s happening, I don’t know why it’s happening to me, I don’t know how to fix it, I don’t know anything and it’s so fucking frustrating!” The boy on the floor complained. Not to say he was your typical spoiled prince, but he wasn’t used to problems he couldn’t solve. If he had problems, he solved them and did so with ease. So being stumped was a new experience.

“Maybe if you wait it out a little longer, it’ll pass.” Lou suggests, shifting nervously, as if scared to incite the boy’s anger. She didn’t really think he would do anything but after what happened with Cecil she wasn’t taking any chances.

“I do believe I know what this is, William. Or at least I have a theory.” Three heads turn towards the elder, having once again forgotten he was present.
Will, having just realized what the doctor had said stood quickly.

“You know what’s wrong with me?! Am I sick? Can you fix me?” He queried, not waiting to get answers to any of his questions.

“As I stated William, I have a theory.  I believe this boy may be to you, what humans would refer to as a ‘soulmate’.” He replied, placing air-quotes around the strange word, the action in itself looking very much out of place on the elderly doctor.
The normally eloquent prince of the Bloodstone Coven was for once rendered speechless. He stood, seemingly frozen. Anyone observing this interaction from the outside would have found it comical. The three young vampires, however, did not. The other two were equally surprised but did not show their shock as obviously as the prince.

“What do you mean ‘soulmate’?” Will, having managed to overcome his initial surprise, coughed out.

“I mean exactly that, in every sense of the word. The soul created to be your other half.”
“But I thought that was just a myth! Human folklore! They aren’t supposed to be real!”

“Well, technically William, while this case is much similar to human soulmates, it is also very different.” Asclepius explains to the clearly confused boy. “The bond was thought to no longer exist as it became so scarce until it didn’t happen. This was around the time vampires were hunted and killed by other species, almost to the point of extinction. We obviously survived, but most people assumed that the bond died out with the generation before this one. The true name has been lost for centuries, millennia perhaps, long before my time.” 

Will stared at the doctor, trying to process the information he had just been supplied. Asclepius was one of the oldest vampires he knew. Several centuries old. If this bond thing didn’t exist anymore why was it happening now? And, more importantly, why was it happening to him?
But Asclepius wasn’t done, “. It is said to be impossible to resist. The bond will gnaw at you till you feel you’re going mad. If you still manage to ignore it, it would ultimately result in the death of both of you.”

“Wait, so basically what you’re telling me is that it gets worse?!”
“If it’s not acknowledged, yes. If you stay in close proximity to each other, there shouldn’t be any problems. But whatever feelings you’re experiencing now will be heightened until you are fully mated.”
“Fully…I’m sorry, what?” Will was dumbfounded, and rightfully so. He had just been told that he had a soulmate; only, this was worse than just having a soulmate. If he didn’t accept said soulmate, they would both end up dead. He also had to mate with the soulmate in question or he would probably go crazy.

He watched as the doctor nodded, confirming his earlier thoughts. He wasn’t completely against the idea of a soulmate. In fact, under normal circumstances, he’d be ecstatic. But these were not normal circumstances, seeing as his father was involved. The king would have a coronary if he found out that the bloodslave Will had chosen just happened to be his soulmate, and his soulmate just happened to be human, and male. He was to take over the coven once his father stepped down (whenever that happened) and being a ‘vegetarian’ as well as being mated to a male human probably wouldn’t sit well with him. He was scared of what would happen to the boy if his father ever found out.

“When he’s well enough to be moved, I will be moving him to my chambers.”
His bodyguards stood quickly, wondering what sudden ailment plagued their master. Asclepius simply carried on with the file he was flipping through, only bothering long enough to send a nod of acknowledgment in response to Will’s request.

“But he− your father, he might− Are you sure, Will?” Lou-Ellen questioned.
Will simply offered a smile, whatever it was running through his head still remaining a mystery to the others.
“My father insisted I take a bloodslave in exchange for the boy’s life, and I have done so.”
Realization filled his friends’ eyes and his smile grew. His soulmate had been through enough already, and he’d be damned if he let his father hurt him more.

I'm not even going to give an excuse this time. I've had this written out for months, all I had to do was edit and upload, then editing suddenly seemed like so much work.
I believe I deserve another degree in procrastination. Is there one higher than a Ph.D?
I should get that. I could even get a Nobel prize.
Well, the other reason was that I kept getting caught up in wattpad books. I'd be like, I'll work on it after this chapter, and then it happens again, and again, and again... you get my drift. And then I'd move to a whole new book and the cycle continues.
I was really trying to get more than 2k words, as an apology for taking so long. But writers block is a bitch. That, and I really couldn't find anything else to add to this chapter, so sorry it's so short. I kinda rushed through editing to make sure I posted this on time, so If you find any mistakes please point them out. I promised myself I'd update before Monday, and its about 11:30 pm Sunday night, so I technically, I didn't break my promise.
This author's note is getting a bit long so I'm gonna stop here. I'll start working on the next chapter tomorrow, but I can't say when it'll be done. I don't want to promise anything because I hate breaking promises, but I'll try to update again as soon as I can.


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