Chapter 13

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A/N: I know, I know, I have committed a terrible, unforgivable offence. I don't even have a valid excuse I'm simply a very lazy human being who has mastered the art of procrastination. I've had writers block and couldn't find anything that infires me, but I managed to scrape something up. Imma try to update soon, like a week or two (most likely two, knowing me) But it'll be soon, I promise. Anyways...  important things.

Third Person POV:
  Will was in his room helplessly pacing about the place and probably wearing a line through his poor carpet. His thoughts, of course, were on the boy that was currently lying motionless (in white... Sorry I'll go now) in a hospital bed. He had been wondering why exactly his father had chosen to restrict him to the castle. He presumed that he had discovered about the boy and did not want him returning to the clinic. However, his father was a very direct person. If he didn't want Will going to the clinic he would have informed him as much.

    He was supposed to be preparing for lessons with his tutor (on things he already knew and would probably never even use) when he heard a knock on the door.
   "Enter. "He called out knowing it was either Lou-Ellen or Cecil.  The door opened and Cecil hesitantly entered making Will feel a bit guilty. Cecil had been walking circles around him since what happened at the clinic, which both boys felt was their fault, and he had been cautious around Will ever since.

  "Will, the king wishes to speak with you. " He announced waiting for Will's nod before leaving the room. Will currently had mixed feelings about meeting with his father; on one had his father could be calling on him to tell him once again how much of a disgrace he was, or worse, that he'd found out about the boy, on the other hand, this gave Cecil and Lou an opportunity to return to the clinic, seeing as they wouldn't be needed during the meeting. Then again, his opinion on this didn't really matter and he would have to go see the old man either way.
  He left the room, subtly informing his two guards to leave for the clinic immediately before going to see his father, new guards trailing behind him.


He slowly approached the dramatically large doors to his father's chambers and knocked. The doors swung open seemingly on their own and Will walked in.
  His father being the overdramatic person that he was had his large chair facing away from the doors (which had also closed by themselves).
"Ah yes, William, I've been waiting for you. "

Obviously, Will thought already tired of the whole conversation.

"Please, sit. "

Will sat opposite his father, wary of the smug expression on his fathers face. Having witnesses several meeting involving his father and some poor soul that had dealing with him, he knew that particular expression was reserved for when he had gotten his hand on information that could be used for blackmail.
"Father. " Will said in greeting.
"William, it has been far too long since we conversed. How are your studies? " Will almost rolled his eyes, wishing he could tell his father to cut to the chase. But even he could get punished for such blatant disrespect.
"They are going well, Father. "
His father noting Will's disinterest in making casual conversation sat up straighter.
"I have heard from a... source, that the clinic is currently harboring a human. "
Will froze in his seat, but decided to play along.
"Well, that is only to be expected father, the clinic was, after all, made for the humans. "
The king glared at him, apparently not appreciating Will's attempt at humor.
"I am aware, William. But I presumed that it would only be used for the humans of our coven. The human in question is not of our coven. "

"I see. What I do not understand, however, is why a king as great as yourself would be bothered with such trivial matters. " When in doubt, flattery.
The king smiled.
"Quite true William, I am a very busy man. I previously thought this inconsequential, that is, until I heard the human was retrieved from rogues, by your guards. "
"He was held captive by rogues, and was rescued by my guards, during a mission you sent them on. " Will corrected.
"Ah, so you were aware of this. "His father smiled.
"But you see, William, humans do not just enter vampire territory.  Humans cannot just enter vampire territory. So explain to me how exactly he was able to get himself captured. "

Will's father, as much as it pained him to admit, had a point. It was impossible for humans who didn't belong to a coven, to cross the boundaries between their world and that of the vampires , due to a spell centuries old, placed there by a sorceress long forgotten. It was also illegal to bring in humans without the purpose of becoming  bloodslaves because,should they escape, the vampires' existence would be revealed. Bloodslaves were usually brainwashed, more or less, and convinced that living here was good for them, that being here was far better than their old life, then they basically feel so grateful and never want to leave.

He stayed silent having no argument to dispute his fathers claims as they were nothing but the truth. And, knowing his father, he knew exactly what argument was coming next.

"There is only one possible explanation. The human was sent as a spy to retrieve information on our coven. " The king sat back, seeming pleased with his deductions.

Father, forgive my boldness, but there isn't enough room in here for two people and your ego, the words were just dying to come out of Will's mouth but he changed them to,
"I highly doubt, father that any coven would be so cowardly to send a human to do their dirty work. And how, exactly, was he to gain information on the coven without being found out. There are guards everywhere. "

"Be that as it may, William, the fact remains that we do not know where the boy came from and he is therefore classified as a threat. He will be treated as such. "

"His presence here is of no consequence! "

"Unless you can prove it, William, that statement cannot hold true. The human is a possible threat and he will be dealt with accordingly.

Panic ran through Will at the thought. 'Threats' were dealt with in only one way. Execution.
The thought of the boy dying made Will's heart stop. He didn't really understand why he felt this way over a random human. But he did, and it bothered him.

"But, "His father cut through his thoughts, "you are unusually attached to this human, as I've been told, so I will propose a deal."
Will didn't want to make any deals with his father, but if it meant the boy would live...

"I'm listening."

His father smiled.
"My conditions are simple: You stop this animal nonsense, take a bloodslave, and the boy lives. "

Will should have known his father would bring this up. That was the only thing his father could ask of him. He would be agreeing to hurt a human for the life of another, who was currently in a coma and may never wake up. Was the boy really worth it?

"I've made my decision, "Will announced.

"I agree to your terms––"

"Really? "His father cut him off, "I should watch this boy. He must be quite important to make you change your mind so easily." The King was beaming by now.
"The boy will be sent to the slave house and I will get you the finest selection of women to choose fro—"

Will, quite tired of his father's tirade, stopped him.
"Let me finish. I agree to your terms, but have a few of my own. I will take a bloodslave. But, it will be no one other than the human in question. " He stated.
His father looked at him like he was mad. "Wouldn't you prefer a female? " He asked due to, uh, obvious reasons. It wasn't uncommon practice for the vampire to have sex with their bloodslave before or during feeding.

"The boy or no one else. " He said sitting back and looking at his father with a confidence he didn't feel.
His father was silent for a minute. "Very well. "

Will smiled. It wasn't often he won against his father.

"Good. I shall be leaving. " He stood up and left happy about the outcome of the meeting. He now gets to keep the boy in close proximity without suspicion.

On getting out of his father's office, he met Lou-Ellen waiting.

"Will! " She stopped her pacing and rushed over to him.

" He's awake! "

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