Chapter 14

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A/N: It's not a week, but it's not two weeks either so I believe my promise has been kept. 

Will's POV:

I froze at her words, attempting to sort through all the emotions I was experiencing at once. It felt like a large tangled mess of feelings I wasn't used to, and trying to comb through them was giving me a headache. The most dominant feelings, at least the ones I could put a name to, were excitement− lots of it, and confusion; mainly over why I was excited.

It took me a few moments to realize I was supposed to be moving and immediately began to make my way to the clinic. I reached the main doors to the palace and shoved through the guards trying to stop me and spouting some nonsense about my father's orders or something. Behind me I could hear Lou-Ellen rushing after me and yelling apologies to the people I had run into or run over in my haste.

For once, I was glad the human clinic was on palace grounds. I burst through the clinic doors, ignoring the shocked looks of the doctors and nurses and the questioning ones thrown at Lou. I walked towards the room could probably find with my eyes closed, then I felt a hand on my arm, attempting to hinder my progress.

"I'm sorry your Highness, but Asclepius has restricted all access to this area. No one is allowed in here but himself."

I looked at the nurse, and then at her hand which was still encircling my arm. The situation was rectified when a low growl escaped my throat. I didn't do it on purpose. In fact, I was quite surprised at myself, but, it seemed a rather efficient way to dispel obstructions so I didn't question it.

Lou-Ellen had finally caught up and walked beside me into the ICU. I stopped in front of the door and waited a minute to calm myself down. The anger I had towards the nurse, which was completely uncalled for, and the nervousness that had been creeping up on me since Lou told me he was awake. I wasn't used to feeling nervous around anyone that wasn't my father, and I couldn't quite say the feeling was welcome. Then it finally hit me that, though this would only be the second time I would see him, it was going to be very different from the first. This time, he was going to be awake.

And would probably question my 'excessive' staring, as Cecil put it. Apparently it's considered rude in some places. Whatever.

I realized I would finally get to interact with the person who had been messing with my head for the past few weeks, and probably doesn't even know he's doing it. I wasn't entirely sure how I would react to him now that he's awake. After almost hurting Cecil because of him, I was scared I would hurt him too. Or worse.

It didn't look like my nervousness was going away anytime soon.

Lou seemed to take my moment of slight− very slight, panic, as hesitation and decided to come to my aid.... By throwing the door wide open.

I needed to get new friends.


The scent I had grown to love and hate hit me full force, and I couldn't help but savor it for a minute. When I opened my eyes I was met with three questioning stares.

Asclepius and Cecil watched from a corner of the room where they seemed to have been holding a conversation before I'd interrupted. I walked towards them, in the opposite direction from where I wanted to be going.

"William. So nice of you to join us." Asclepius said, "We were just talking about you."

"I'm sorry I haven't been here to help. My father insists on keeping me in the castle 24/7."

It was obvious to everyone, including myself, that I was ignoring the more important things. I wasn't exactly ignoring them, more like I didn't want to face them. Really didn't want to face them. Well, him, as the case may be. I could just imagine what my father would say if he heard I was scared, I mean, that I didn't want to face a human.

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