Chapter 9

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A /N: Okay,  so I feel like a total ass for not updating in literally forever. But I have an excuse! I promise!  So I had exams and such and my parents were like if you don't pass,  we're gonna disown you. Okay, they didn't really say that but I got the background meaning or whatever. Anywhore, I should probably stop bothering y'all with my mindless incessant chatter and get to the story.


Lou-Ellen's POV:

Cecil and I wake up to the sound of screaming. Very loud, very high pitched screaming. Which of course is murder to my sensitive vamp ears. We look over to find the boy back against a wall screaming  his lungs out. I rush over to him with Cecil trailing behind me complaining about people interrupting his beauty sleep.

The boy starts thrashing around and his screaming doesn't stop. When I try to get him to calm down, I find out he's still asleep and is having a  nightmare. I grab him by the shoulders and try to hold him down, "try" being the operative word because, this tiny thing is stronger than he looks. I can't use all my strength 'cause, well, I'm not trying to kill him.  I shake him gently while telling him it's just a dream. Not that he can hear me being asleep and all. His eyes snap open and he looks up at me, fear apparent in his brown eyes. I smile softly at him as he calms down, before he realizes where he is and tenses up again. 

  I remember he was held captive and tortured by vampires, so waking up in a cave with two of them standing over you probably isn't the most calming experience. I take a step back, motioning for Cecil  to do the same. I crouch in front of him and smile, making sure my fangs are retracted.

"Hey, don't worry, you're safe. They can't hurt you anymore."

He stares at me in disbelief. I sigh.

"I promise, you're okay", I reach out but he tenses and whimpers, so I pull my hand back. Okay, so, we'll keep the touching to a minimum.

"Hi," I say. Smooth, Lou, real smooth.

"I'm Lou-Ellen, and this is my friend Cecil. What's your name?"

He doesn't answer and hugs his knees to his chest, placing his head on them.

I look down at his arms and legs covered in several cuts and wonder how many of them were self inflicted. We have to clean him up again because all his thrashing reopened some of his wounds and there was blood all over him, as well as on the floor and walls. I'm not entirely sure how we're going to do that, considering the fact that he doesn't like being touched.

"Hey," Cecil says making his head snap up, probably just realizing he's here. He crouches next to me.

"We need you to calm down and work with us for a minute so we can get you cleaned up." Whoa, Cecil is being nice.

He shakes his head and shuffles backwards, even though there's nowhere to shuffle to.

Cecil nods and says,"Okay. Do you think you could do it yourself? " The boy nods.

"Sure, I'll get you some things then Lou and I will leave." He says and gets up.

"How did you know?" I ask. He just sighs.

"I had a hunch." He leaves to get some water and a cloth, and sets them by the boy.

"We'll be outside. We'll come back when you're done."

We leave and stand by the cave entrance, in case he tries to escape or something. He doesn't seem like he can move very much though. I glance over at Cecil, who is staring into the forest like it's the most interesting thing he's ever seen. Which it isn't because, hello, I am right here. Cecil is hardly ever this quiet, which makes me wonder what he's thinking.

"Don't ask," he says and I curse myself for thinking out loud.

About half an hour passed and Cecil suggests we check up on him. Going into the cave we find him clean, but still curled up in the corner. I turn to Cecil and remind him that we should be leaving soon. He nods and tells me to gather the supplies some of which are scattered around the cave.

"How are we going to get him there if he doesn't like being touched. And he obviously can't walk by himself."

"That's not much of a problem." He replies and I look at him, puzzled.

"How is that not a problem?"

He rolls his eyes, "Just get me my bag." I do as he asks but not without complaint, I'm not his assistant.

I toss him his bag and he pulls out a small bottle.

"Is that...."

"Obviously." He states.

"And you're gonna..."


"I don't think this is a good idea."

"I noticed."

"But you're still going to do it."

He smirks at me, "Obviously."

"He's already in a terrible state, and that usually takes a huge toll on a person. Not to mention the fact that he's human." That is a major understatement. It makes a person relaxed but weak, almost paralyzed. It could also cause hallucinations, which I don't think would exactly help his state.

"I'm well aware of all that, but do you have any brighter ideas?"

I look over at the boy, still huddled in the corner, eyes unfocused and wide in fear, his body visibly shaking.

"I guess you have a point."

He grabbed a small cup, filled it with water and added a few drops of the thick purple liquid. The liquid dissolves immediately and the water returns to its natural transparency.

He gives the cup to me.

"Sure, leave me to do your dirty work."

I go closer to the boy and he freezes.

"Calm down, its only water. You must be thirsty." I place the cup in front of him and back up, walking to the other end of the cave with Cecil.

"It should only be a few minutes before it takes effect." He says as the boy picks up the cup with shaking hands.

He takes a sip before downing the entire cup.

Less than five minutes later, and the poor boy is out like a light.


Okay, yeah, I know I said I'd probably update more than one chapter at once, but I'm lazy as f*ck and my cell phone is on the fritz again so I can't update from there anymore. The next chapter should be up before the week is up though, that is, if nothing happens.

This was really just a filler chapter, that's why it's so boring. I just wanted to establish some things. Not to mention the fact that it's really short, which is kinda disappointing considering how long I've been gone. I'll try to make the next one longer, and more interesting.

A'ight, laters y'all.

Just The Beginning... (Solangelo)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon