Chapter 8- Arrival

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

This chapter is a little bit longer than the ones before but I still hope you like it!

I am currently sick but I will continue to update every second to third day!

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

I love you, bye.

Amara Thorne

​I look back one last time at the mansion in which I have spent the last years of my life. I expected me to feel something when I say goodbye to this place, but nothing.

My heart isn't aching, I don't feel any regrets, nor have I the feeling that I am losing something. There was never an attachment to this building or any kind of emotional bond. The only few positive childhood memories I have, were not made here or in any other mansions I have lived in.

This was never and never will be my home but what is home? 

How does it feel?

I travel my gaze around the facade of the building, looking at every little detail, trying to trigger any feelings.

My gaze meets my mother's as she is standing at the window on the second floor. She didn't even mind to come down to say goodbye, but I do not care either. It is her decision and I won't force anyone to love me.

I see my mother waving with a little smile on her face, but I decide to ignore her and turn around, looking at the black car that Adriano has sent and arrived a few minutes ago.

My luggage is already in the trunk, containing all the stuff I want to keep. It is not even half of the clothes that I own but I need a fresh beginning, so I cannot wear those either way. 

The driver's door opens slowly and a man unknown to me steps out, rounding the car to stand at my side. He opens the door for me, signalizing me that if I am ready, he would bring us to Adriano.

"Good morning, Ms. Thorne. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Valentino De Angelis.", he greets me politely, giving me a nod.

He has a handsome face with a sharp jawline and defined cheek bones. I estimate the tall and muscular man to be around 24. Valentino's dark blonde hair is styled, and he is wearing an expansive suit that he combined with black leather gloves and fitting shoes. His eyes are a dark shade of brown and his elegant clothes tell me that he not only works as a driver for Adriano's family but is also responsible for bigger things. 

I also immediately notice his professionalism, because although it should be taken for granted, it is not that he doesn't even check me out or give me a smirk. Most men try to hide their lust because they are scared of how I will react, but I notice it every time. Often, I must let them feel before they understand and then they will not dare to do it again.

I give him a small nod and get into the car, without looking back, now sitting right behind the driver's seat. The man closes the door behind me and a few seconds later, he sits behind the steering wheel, starting the car.

"We will be there in about thirty minutes.", he informs me, while driving through the gate and pulling out of the entrance, onto the street.

Yes, he seems nice, but he works for Adriano, so how could he be?

You cannot trust someone only because he has a friendly face when you only know the person for a few moments.

Not everybody can be nice, but everybody could be an amazing liar and be good at pretending.

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