Chapter 14- Visit

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

I love you, bye.

Next chapter up in a few hours!

Amara Thorne

"Fuck.", I exhale, while a huge smile spreads over my face.

"You are the most gorgeous person on this entire planet.", I say, nearly screaming out of excitement as my best friend walks out of the room.

The last week has passed in slow motion. Fortunately, Adriano is still not back, and I haven't heard from him.

I didn't think of him either, but rather spent it getting bored or gossiping with Anna about her ex-husbands who treated her like shit.

I can tell you; she has many.

They all didn't deserve her.

She also has lots of children and I stopped counting after she told me about the first six.

I couldn't imagine having so many but it made me smile when she talked about them.

Although listening to her stories was incredibly entertaining, I was totally happy when I was told that Vivian would be there soon.

When she arrived here a few hours ago we laid down on my bed and spoke for a long time about random things, just enjoying seeing each other again.

I told her every detail of the past two weeks that I forgot to inform her about in previous conversations. This time I also told her about Darius and as soon as I mentioned his name there was a smile on her face.

And this got bigger and bigger when I broke to Vivian that he asked about her.

That he didn't forgot about her.

I wanted to shut up about it first, but I thought it was important.

I want them both to be happy.

I wish it for them with all my heart and I will do everything in my power to achieve this.

But I wondered if my decision was wrong when suddenly her facial expressions changed, and her gaze was full of sadness.

Full of pain.

Pain I'm responsible for.

If I had saved her sooner, the two could have had a chance.  A future.

Maybe it's too late for that and I'm the one who kept them from happiness.

Monsters like me are the reason why souls like hers are destroyed.

I knew she didn't want to talk about her feelings now, so I didn't even ask her if she was fine.

I knew she wasn't.

I immediately changed the subject to distract her.

I shouldn't have told her in the first place.

I was reckless and so during the next few hours I tried everything to prevent her from thinking about him. At some point we started talking about changes. 

Not only changes that are coming to us now, but in general what we want to change in ourselves.

So much came to my mind that I should rather ask myself what I want to keep.

Which part I can live with.

From the inner values, we then also switched to talking about the exterior, and I had the biggest grin ever on my face when Vivian told me that now because this is a new chapter in her life, she would like to have her appearance changed.

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