Chapter 27- Time

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

I love you, bye.

I want to give this chapter an extra trigger warning!

TW: sexual abuse/rape

Amara Thorne

I am laying on my bed, as I look up the ceiling, counting the minutes until James comes home.

I haven't seen him in days because he had to take care of his mother. After all, she is very sick.

I hope she gets better soon.

I don't want James to be sad.

The knock on the door startles me and I jump off my bed to see who is behind it.

I grip the door handle and push it down to see my mother smiling down at me.

"Good morning, mother. I hope you had a great sleep." I say, giving her a bright smile.

I love my mom. She makes me always happy.

"Good morning to you too. Amara, I have to show you something. Come with me." She says, smiling back at me.

She holds out her hand to me and I lay my smaller one into hers.

"Where are we going?" I ask, as we walk down the hall.

"What have I told you, Amara? Don't ask your parents questions. It's rude. If I tell you something you will just simply do it." She replies and I shut my mouth.

I don't want her to be mad.

We walk down the long corridor, towards a big wooden door, where two guards are standing.

We stop before it and she crouches down before me.

She squeezes my hand and brushes with her other a blonde strand of hair out of my face.

"Amara, I have thought about it and realized it's time to teach you the most important things you will need to know in your life."

My smile brightens with her words.

"I can learn something new?" I ask, excited.

"Yes, you will learn something new."

"Listen to me, Amara. There is a really important man in there and I expect you to behave and do everything that he wants." She states and I start to frown.

"What do you mean? Everything that he wants? What will he teach me?" I ask.

"Yes, everything that he wants. He will teach you everything you will need later when you are married. He will teach you how to please your future husband but you must keep that to yourself. The man you will marry can never know that another man taught you this or he will be very angry. But don't worry, honey there will be no proof." She explains with a big smile.

"I don't think I understand. What do you mean with no proof? Why would he be angry?" I ask, even more, irritated than before.

„I don't want the man I love to be angry."

"Don't be stupid, Amara. I have told you about the little treasure you are hiding under your dress. Only your husband is allowed to see and touch it otherwise you are ruined, and he will know. But don't worry, he will not break your treasure, he will be very careful. He will show you everything . And always remember. It doesn't matter how much it hurts, you don't fight, and you don't cry. Princesses don't cry... they smile."

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