Chapter 36- Injury

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

I love you, bye.

Adriano Calvetti

Everything stops at this moment.

My breathing.

My movement.

The fucking time.

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

I travel my eyes over her face and then our gazes meet.

"Adriano" She breaths out.

I am fixated on her face.

A big bruise covers her eyes and I notice a long cut under it. Tears are streaming down her face.


I look at Amara Thorne but it seems like the woman standing in front of me is anyone but Amara.

It's the person I once knew.

Someone with feelings. Someone who cares.

I can't fucking feel, Adriano. I mean I can...but only anger. I want to really feel like a normal human being. I don't want to be a monster. I don't want to be this anymore. I want myself back.

The words she told me years ago are echoing in my head.

But she isn't angry. She isn't in rage.

She seems scared.


Heartbroken... maybe even hopeless.

What the hell happened to you?

I continue to stare at her tears, and we both don't move. When I look back directly in her eyes something snaps inside her. She jumps up from the bed and quickly wipes away her tears. She turns away from me so I can't look at her face anymore.

And something inside me is relieved. As awful it must sound, I am not able to see her cry. It physically pains me.

But there is this other part. The one that wants to take all her pain away.

The one that makes me not recognize myself anymore.

This isn't fucking me.

I snap out of my trance and walk towards her. I carefully place my hand on her shoulder.

"Amara." I breathe out.

She moves away from my touch and walks towards her wardrobe.

She clears her throat.

"You know what, Adriano? Just get out. I don't need a fucking lecture right now. I know I shouldn't have fucking walked in there alone, but it was my fucking decision and I was right. I was right. I dealt with them and I got the coke back." She says, her voice sounding suddenly confident but I can hear the pain.

"Amara. I- I wasn't going to..." I start before stopping myself.


I exhale before walking towards her again.
I grab her arm gently and turn her around. I travel my hands up until I hold her head with them.

My jaw clenches as I study the bruise again.

"I need to know what happened."

She rolls her eyes at me.

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