Chapter 30- Beach

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

A huge thank-you for your support! You are amazing.

Adriano Calvetti

I follow her with my eyes as she walks out of the suite.

My mouth hangs open as I stare at the door.

What the fuck.

I groan before I let my head fall back on the back of the couch.

I stare at the ceiling thinking about what I just saw.

Is she out of her goddamn mind going out like that?

This ain't even a fucking bikini. It doesn't even cover her tits. Or her ass.

God her ass... if she only wears that she can go around naked.

Doesn't she get that everyone will look at her?

Fucking old men will drool over her like they want to eat her right at the spot.

What if someone wants more than look?

Fuck, what if someone wants to touch her?

Oh, fuck off. She can take care of herself.

If a man goes even near her, she will cut his balls off.

She can do that all by herself. She doesn't need me to take care of her.

I mean she killed ten men in a matter of a few seconds, she can deal with a little asshole by herself.

And my guards are always following her.

Great, even more men are staring at her ass then.

Shit. This woman is making me fucking crazy, and we are barely married for a day.

"Fuck it." I hiss as I push myself up from the couch.

I can't sleep now anyway.


She is going to regret this.

I can't remember when I had the last time so much rage inside me like right now.

My blood is boiling and my fists clenched as I see how caught Amara looks as she notices me.

How guilty she looks when I see her with him.

So close to her.

Nearly kissing.

Who the hell is this fucker anyways?

Before I even came here, I called my men to tell them to empty the beach.

But obviously, these useless idiots overlooked him.

I stand at the empty beach waiting for them to come out. Amara and her new buddy swim closer to the beach before walking out of the water.

How are you gonna explain this, anima mia?

She walks fast towards me, the little asshole following her, trying to be subtle when he looks at her ass, but I notice it anyways.

How could I not?

It's goddamn obvious that he is eye-fucking her.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were tired?" She asks, trying to keep her voice down.

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