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What you wearing

"Hello!?" Jughead and I cheered as we walked into the Andrews residence

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"Hello!?" Jughead and I cheered as we walked into the Andrews residence. We spotted everyone in the kitchen and made our way towards them but slowed down when the tension made its way towards jughead and I.

"Jughead, y/n, hi." Archie greeted, shifting on his feet.

"Are we interrupting a family meeting? We can come back." Jughead offered as we stood by the arch of the door. I looked directly at Mary and she gave me a sly smile before turning towards jughead. What the hell is she up to.

"Absolutely not." She insisted, smiling at both Jughead and I. "So, who's going to the dance? Besides your dad and me. Oh, and Hermione, whom I invited."

"You did?" Fred question, the tension flooding back.

"We'll talk about it later." She mumbled before Archie piped up.

"You guys are going to the dance? Together?"

"We were talking about it." Fred said, shifting about.

"We wanna hear you play, if that's still happening." Mary smiled at her son, clearly feeling quite proud. Jughead and I shared a look, this being the first time we heard about such happenings.

"Yeah, totally. I'm great with it." Archie laughed, watching as his parents movie closer together.

"Good. Anyway, you two staying for dinner?" Mary asked, looking towards jughead and I. Before we had any chance to even think about it, Archie answered.

"Of course they are, but, Um, I need to talk to y/n for second if that's okay?"

Mary nodded, dismissing us from the group as Archie and I made our way out the back door, and into the garage. We sat down, neither of us uttering a word.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" I questioned, shifting to look towards him. He sighed, grabbing my hands and resting it on his knee. I looked down at my hands, slightly confused. We hadn't really talked let alone touched since he told me we were just friends.

"As I assume you know, I'm taking Betty to homecoming, but I need you to know that I don't actually wanna go with her." He explained. I tore my hand away from him, glaring him down for playing with my sisters feelings over again.

"Archie how~" began but he cut me off.

"No, no. That came out bad. What I mean is that we agreed to go together because neither of us had dates, and I said yes because I know she's really sad about Jughead but I wanted to ask someone else."

"....okay? What does this have to do with me?" I asked, looking at him, eyebrows sewed together.

He hesitated, taking my hand again.

"....because I wanted to ask you." He smiled, his cheeks going a slight red.

"What happened to just being friends?" I giggled, even though I was still slightly confused.

"I tired." He began. "I really did but I can't do it. Y/n....I like you.....I really do."

"Archie..." I warned, pulling my hand away. "In the span of the past couple months I've been played by you, more than you've played your game system."

"I know, and I regret it so much. But I didn't understand my feelings for you. With everything that happened with Betty and then we were going great but I felt something for Val and when we broke up she said you were particularly the reason. So then it hit me. I have feelings for you y/n. There confusing and scary, and so, so strong." He rented as he looked into my eyes.

"Archie...I've been into since middle school." I mumbled, afraid because I've never actually uttered the words. He quickly pulled my face towards his, pulling me into a strong kiss. Not being the first time he's done so, I didn't know what to do, afraid he would pull away quickly, regretting it. After about 10 seconds of him just kissing he slowly pulled away, looking at me with a worried look.

"I'm-I'm sorry, was that okay?" He asked, fidgeting with his hands. I shook my head, wanting to say something but being unable to find the words. To show my feeling I ran my hand through his copper locks, starring into his deep dark eyes, the orbs pulling me into a trance. I slowly brought my face closer to his and rested my lips on his pink once, the sexual tension consumed me as I slowly kissed him, feeling his hands roam my body.

I slowly pulled away, watching as his shocked face turn into a smirk, that melted my heart.

"So what now?" He asked, rubbing my arm.

"Let's just...stay friends and then after homecoming when your not bettys date....we'll see we're this goes, but I can promise that I like you and wanna be with you." I smiled, continuing to play with his soft hair.

"That sounds like a great plan." He agreed, getting off the couch. He gave me a quick peck before we made our way into the house. The second I spotted Jughead, who was helping Mary and Fred set the table I ran over to him, dragging him into the powder room, closest to the kitchen.

"What? What? What?" He questioned as I locked the door, clearly scaring him.

"So....Archie confessed his feelings for me." I giggled, having to tell this to my best friend. His smiled dropped as he starred into my eyes, confused glossing his brown eyes.

"What? Seriously. I thought-I thought you guys were just friends. Do still like him after everything he did?" He continued to questioned as I felt a pang hit my heart, upset that the one person I cared about most wasn't happy for me.

"I-I just....I'm sorry." I whispered, looking down.

"What? Oh, no, no. Im sorry. I'm so happy for you. I just don't want you to get hurt again." He explained, rubbing my arms. I smiled up and him, feeling giddy once again. He laughed along as I jumped up and down, finally getting who I wanted. I hugged him once more before rubbing out of the room like a five year old, leaving him behind with his thoughts.


He slept with Betty. After the party. I caught her sneaking out. The day I broke up with her. I forgave him. And now he takes her from me.

I starred up at my self in the mirror feeling so many emotions run through my body, hearing her giggle echo in my head. The way her smile was 3x bigger than it normally is, the way her Beautiful eyes sparked and her small dimples shown. I just know her cheeks hurt. I felt the warm, single tear run down my face as I pictured her beautiful features glisten in the moon light and the way her hair flew in the wind like a masterpiece, ready to be written. And it's all his. My best friend. My hero. My brother. With my love. With my darling. Mine.

I'm living for possessive Jughead. What do you guys think?

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