Hell on earth

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I stood there, stunned. My feet planted on the carpet that was in archies room as I starred at the sight before me. Her wicked blond hair a mess, mascara running down her cheeks. The iconic, sweet, innocent pink lipstick she always wore smushed down to her chin. No longer on her now swollen lips. Lips I've kissed with so much passion in the past. I felt my heart physically turn away with disgust as I looked at the two of them. No sign of guilt appearing on their hot, red faces.

"Jughead." She finally spoke, standing from the bed. "I know this looks bad, okay? Real bad. But~"

Cutting her off was never my intention but the words I needed to say just flew from my mouth in a blind, angry fit.

"Bad!? Bad!? This is hell on earth! There's no way either of you could possibly justify this. You're banging my best friend, who happens to be your sisters boyfriend. Betty what the hell!"

"Alright, man, that enough. It's not just on her alright." Archie snapped, moving in front of betty who's gaze was not fixated on the floor.

"No, it's not enough, Archie. You finally got her. That amazing girl and you throw it all away!" The anger in side of me at this very moment was like nothing I've ever experienced before. It was like there's this burning fire deep inside me and if it's not let lose soon. It'll burn me alive.

"I haven't thrown anything away. Because she's not gonna find out. Understand?" Intimidation has always been Archie way of getting things. But not this time, no.

"Not happening. She has a right to know. Her sister and her boyfriend both betrayed her. And If you don't tell her, I swear to god Archie, I will. I'll tell her everything. I'll tell her how you slept with Betty the night of my birthday. I'll tell her how you've been flirting with Veronica these past few weeks. Everything." I growled, fire seeping through my voice as I spoke.

"It'll destroy her." Betty mumbled, finally look up. "I can't do that to her."

"You already did it! You've got two days. I mean it." I threaten as made my way out of the room. The heated tension followed me out of the house and all the way to pops. My hands buried deep in the pockets of my jacket as I thought everything over. The harsh winter air nipping at my exposed skin.

How hurt her face would be. How long would she cry? Would she believe me? Would she trust him again? I don't understand how such a pretty soul like hers keeps getting ripped apart until it's nothing but a black whole waiting for the next person to jump in and wreck her even more.

My pink cheeks stung as they met the warm embrace of pops as the bell above the door jingled, signalling my presence to the diner. Spotting the familiar raven hair at one of the booth I made my way over, plopping down beside Veronica.

"Hey, juggie." Y/n smiled, sipping her hot chocolate like a five year old. The entire walk her I calmed myself down, but now that I see her face, unaware of what's happening between her boyfriend and sister makes that fire deep within, return ten-fold.

"Hey, sweets." I gulped, hopping my tone of voice was moderate enough to not cause suspicion. That girl knew me like the back of her hand. I knew I wouldn't last long until she caught onto my distress.

"Where's B and Archie?" Veronica asked, plucking the dark cherry off her milkshake and eating it. My hands balled into fists, knuckles turning white as I pictured what they were currently doing.

"Uh, when I got to your place, Betty was already asleep and Archie said he'll catch up with us tomorrow." I lied through my teeth.

"That boy." Y/n laughed, gaining our attention.

"Ahh, is our little y/n smitten?" Veronica asked, leaning on her elbows. Y/ns cheeks turned a light pink hue as she looked down at her steaming cup of sweet, chocolaty goodness.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"In love my dear. In love." Veronica laughed at her. "Like do you see this relationship being a....I don't know. A permanent thing?"

"V. We've only been together a couple weeks. I don't even think love is on his brain." She declared, pushing her beverage over to me for a sip. Pushing the cup back towards her, I declined. Enough has been taken from her tonight.

"I didn't ask about him. I asked about you. Know tell us." Veronica declared.

"I-I think I love him. I mean I know I've loved him for a while, but have I always been in love with him? I don't know. I just know I'm really happy." She was glowing as she spoke of him. Her eyes bright with something sweet. Her skin sparkling with the neon lights that surround us. My heart sank as she spoke. The was she seemed so in love it hurt. I'd give her everything I could. I'd make her feel loved. I'll take her in my arms and shield her from anything that could possibly harm her.

"Jughead, what do you think?" Veronica asked, her gaze now fixated on me. Snapping out of my thoughts I shook my head slightly.

"What do I think about what?" I asked.

"I said I think Archie and y/n are endgame. What do you think?" She asked again, a slight chuckle falling her from her crimson lips. Sighing I stood from the booth.

"I think I'm happy as long as my y/ns happy." I smiled, covering the pain that filled inside me. "I'm going to order some food. You guys want anything?"

"A slice of cheese cake, please." Veronica asked. Nodding I turned towards y/n.

"Nothing." She smiled, returning to her hot chocolate. Nodding I made my way to the front counter, placing my order.

"Hey, pop. Could I get a slice of cheese cake, a cheese burger with extra bacon and a side of fries, and a turkey club, no mayo with a side of fries." I know she said she didn't want anything but I have to make sure she eats.

Pop quickly wrote down my order before disappearing into the kitchen. Sitting down at one of the stools I continued to picture if she had chosen me.

The way I would hold her on cold nights like these. The way I would love her till my heart gave out.

I would give her anything she could possibly ever want. But that's the thing. She wanted Archie. And he hurt her once again, just like everyone else.

A pretty face can hide so much hurt, but I know her well enough to know........she'll die a little bit inside.

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