Chapter 16

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"I don't feel like school on Monday." I tell Bridgit.

"Why?" She groans.

"It's too early." I chuckle, knocking back the rest of my drink.

"Seriously? Lamest excuse ever." She rolls her eyes. That's the thing about drunk Bridgit, she's brutally honest.

"Oh like you want to go so badly." I retort.

"Well no, but I can't just ditch." "Says who? Bree, we could ditch together." I suggest, sitting up.

She snorts.

"No seriously! Think about it! Sweatpants, some ice-cream, some Netflix..." I suggest.

She bites her lip, "Well I'm not gonna say that I despise the idea." Her smile covers her entire face; it makes me smile.

"Then ditch with me." I propose.

She sets her glass on the table and shakes her head, laying back onto my bed.

"When I was a kid, I used to have these glow in the dark stars. They were on my ceiling," Bree points to my ceiling, as if replaying the vision. "and they were my favorite thing. They were the only thing that really calmed my anxiety when I was a kid." She looks up with such an admiration, it makes me smile.

She is hammered. That's another thing about drunk Bridgit, she couldn't hold a conversation to save her life. So much for ditching school together.

"You had anxiety as a kid?" I ask cautiously. That wasn't too offensive was it? I mean how do you subtly ask a question like that? Then again, she won't remember any of this anyways.

She nods. "I mean, I still do, but it really began when I was a kid ya know?" She nuzzles her body closer to mine.

"What- How does a little kid develop anxiety?" I wonder aloud.

"Well I honestly think it was just something I was born with. Then I met Stephan and it kind of just escalated from there."

I clench my fists.

"How do you even bully someone like you?" I move a few strands from her face.

"I was awkward and lanky. I was as tall as most boys back when I was a kid. You know before the whole middle school growth spurt guys get."

"Is that what he let you believe?"

Her gaze drops from the ceiling to something eye-level. "I guess."

She sits herself up from my hold.

"But I don't need someone telling me how shallow I was to believe him."

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