Chapter 18

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December 19th.

"Pass the butter," Brandon doesn't bother to even look at me.

"Wow, after two days that's all you have to say." I retort, making it a point to surpass the butter and grab the syrup for myself instead.

"Just stop being a brat and pass me the butter." "Brandon." My mother clears her throat.

I shake my head.

"So that's it? No one's gonna talk to me then?"

My parents exchange a look but don't say a word.

"What about the time Brandon came home high?" I retort. "Or the time he shattered the bathroom mirror because he got too drunk after breaking up with his girlfriend?"

Brandon places his fists on the table and ticks his jaw.

"Or the time he snuck out to go to a concert two hours away with his friends?" I raise my eyebrows, demanding the attention to be diverted from me.

"You what?" My mother gave him a look.

"I was young and stupid-" "It was last year." I retorted.

"Those things, were different-" "Why because he's a boy?" I scoff at my father. I can't believe this. He's getting favoritism.

"No, but what you did Bridgit, was with a boy." My father clears his throat.

"First of all, we didn't do anything. You of all people should believe me!" I gape.

"It's not that we don't believe you Bridgit," "But we don't." Brandon crosses his arms.

I shake my head.

"Has anyone even tried to get to know him?"

"All I know is he got you drunk and said he would take you to bed. That's all I need to know." Brandon crosses his arms.

"He just said that to get you angry. And for your information, I'm the one who wanted to get drunk." I cross my arms, mocking Brandon.

"Why would you do that?" My mother's comment wasn't expected.

"Apparently I'm too uptight." I shrug, not caring at this point. I wanted to loosen up and I did.

"This whole thing started over a bunch of irrelevant high school commentaries?" Brandon sits up.

I shrug; well when you put it that way..

"Bee you don't need to prove people wrong."

"Iconic." I invite the future fight to the table.

"Look, Shawn-" "Shane." I correct.

"Whatever. He is-" "Someone that makes me happy. Doesn't that matter to anyone? I mean does no one remember how I was when we first moved here?"

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